Random Verbs | Best Random Tools

Random Verbsreport

  • random verb 1



    without means of subsistence; lacking food, clothing, and shelter.
    deprived of, devoid of, or lacking (often followed by of): destitute of children.

    verb (used with object), des·ti·tut·ed, des·ti·tut·ing.

    to leave destitute.
  • random verb 2



    pertaining to or noting a story, conversation, character, etc., that consciously references or comments upon its own subject or features, often in the form of parody: A movie about making a movie is just so meta—especially when the actors criticize the acting.
    pertaining to or noting an abstract, high-level analysis or commentary, especially one that consciously references something of its own type.


    a consciously and playfully self-referential story, conversation, etc.: That dialogue was an example of meta at its best.
    an abstract, high-level analysis or commentary: writing a meta to explain the character’s motivation.

    verb (used without object)

    to analyze or comment on something in a meta way: I spend more time metaing about the show than actually watching it.
  • random verb 3


    verb (used with object), de·o·dor·ized, de·o·dor·iz·ing.

    to rid of odor, especially of unpleasant odor.
  • random verb 4



    a long pole forming the body of various weapons, as lances, halberds, or arrows.
    something directed or barbed as in sharp attack: shafts of sarcasm.
    a ray or beam: a shaft of sunlight.
    a long, comparatively straight handle serving as an important or balancing part of an implement or device, as of a hammer, ax, golf club, or other implement.

    verb (used with object)

    to push or propel with a pole: to shaft a boat through a tunnel.
    Slang. to treat in a harsh, unfair, or treacherous manner.
  • random verb 5



    a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort.
    something puzzling; a puzzling question, matter, or person.

    verb (used with object), puz·zled, puz·zling.

    to put (someone) at a loss; mystify; confuse; baffle: Her attitude puzzles me.
    to frustrate or confound, as the understanding; perplex: The problem puzzled him for weeks.

    verb (used without object), puz·zled, puz·zling.

    to be perplexed or confused.
    to ponder or study over some perplexing problem or matter.

    Verb Phrases

    puzzle out, to solve by careful study or effort: I was unable to puzzle out the message.
  • random verb 6

    speak for

    verb (intr, preposition)

    to speak as a representative of (other people)
    speak for itself to be so evident that no further comment is necessary
    speak for yourself informal (used as an imperative) do not presume that other people agree with you

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About Random Verbs Tool

Verb is a kind of part of speech, which is generally used to express the words of action or state. We collected more than 32000 verbs, which included all the verbs we would use.

This page generates 6 random verbs by default. You can see the very detailed definition of each verb. You can also generate certain types of verbs through the generator at the top of the page, such as verbs containing certain letters, verbs with specified length range, and verbs with specified initial letter and last letter.

This random verb tool can help you learn and review verbs. When you can't remember the meaning or usage of a verb, you just need to input the possible letters, or the first and last letters from memory, and you can quickly find the verb. Therefore, this tool can be used as a learning tool and a word game tool.

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