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  • (#7) Someone's Never Had To Buy Groceries

    My friend goes into my fridge and literally throws away all my meat, but I'm not sure if veganism or simple craziness is to blame for this

  • (#11) Not A Level-Three Vegan

    I have a very alternative, kind of pretentious vegan friend who is very strict and "moral" in his food choices, consuming only vegan chips/crisps and beer and definitely not eating eggs because the industry is so terrible and what not. 

    However, he would not flinch an eye at killing and eating fish or insects or other "lower" beings because allegedly "they can't feel pain." Personally I find this drawing-a-line-here to be incredibly hypocritical because either you value life or you don't. Just because you think a fish doesn't have an evolved-enough nerve system to "feel pain" doesn't make it OK to kill them.

    It was a good day when I found out, real vegans don't actually eat fish.

  • (#3) TFW Your Mom Takes You To A Chicken Death Camp

    My mom is very health conscious and it eventually led our family to be vegan. When in kindergarten, she was also my teacher and planned a class trip for our 30+ classmates. She excitedly told us how there were going to be chickens there. Cute, feathered chickens.

    Shortly after we arrive at the farm we all detect the undeniable stench of death. Unlike what my mom anticipated, this is not an egg farm with adorable chickens in clean, cute cages. It is actually a chicken death factory, all this poultry packed into cages so tight, many of them are dead while others just trample over each other, all just waiting to die.

    Needless to say, the entire class (myself included) freaks the f*ck out. Screaming ensues, along with crying. Oh, and vomitng.

  • (#10) There's Nothing Worse Than A Disseminator Of False Vegan Information

    So one of my girlfriends is vegan, and she always tries to spread rumors or make me believe myths about animal products. 

    Today, for example, she tries to convince me that cow's milk has puss in it. I promptly search this on Google, and lo and behold, it's not true. In fact, everywhere I look said that whoever tells you such myths only tells you to stop you from drinking milk.

    Though I never, ever judge her on what she eats, she constantly attempts to "convert" me into a vegan. She tells me meat causes cancer, milk has puss, eggs are extremely unhealthy, a full laundry-list of facts that may or may not be real. I understand her passion for avoiding animal products, but it feels like I'm the atheist and she is the cherry-picker Christian.

    How can I get her to stop? Whenever I tell her what she says is false, even if I send a link to a website debunking the myth, she gets rude and gives me attitude. This is the most annoying thing I have had to deal with, ever.

  • (#9) Is This Veganism Considered Child Abuse?

    I grew up vegan, and my family educated us diligently us about veganism. My dad showed us candid videos of slaughterhouses with animals hanging by their ankles as their blood pooled to fast to drain. Making a nine and seven-year-old watch this stuff? That was pretty crappy.

    I still can't eat meat.

  • (#4) You've Changed

    My spouse is vegan, and I'm vegan most of the time. But, on the occasions when I eat meat, my spouse treats me differently, getting short, refusing kisses, and acting cold towards me.

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About This Tool

More and more people claimed that they are vegans and even only use vegetable oil to cook food. Many young women who are on a diet also only eat fruits and vegetables. Many people do not know how is real vegetarian life or even can not understand vegetarianism. More food manufacturers and restaurants are also actively innovating vegetarian meals and snacks.

A lot of people always think that the nutrition that vegans get is not enough. You could know well about the vegans' encounters, here are random 16 information that people described. Welcome to use the random tool to search for other interesting things.

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