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Random Statutory Instruments Of The United Kingdom, 1948report

  • Agriculture Act 1947 (Commencement) (No 4) Order 1948 SI 1948/2057

    (1500–2792) (Statutory Instruments)

  • The Trading With The Enemy (Enemy Territory Cessation) (Bulgaria) Order, 1948. SI 1948/158

    (1–499) (Statutory Instruments)

  • Local Government (Scotland) (Glasgow Wards and Councillors) Order 1948 SI 1948/876

    (Unreferenced listings) (Statutory Instruments)

  • The Compensation (Defence) Notice Of Claim Rules, 1948. SI 1948/307

    (1–499) (Statutory Instruments)

  • The Trading With The Enemy (Enemy Territory Cessation) (Siam) Order 1948 SI 1948/2484

    (1500–2792) (Statutory Instruments)

  • Jute (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations 1948 SI 1948/1696

    (Unreferenced listings) (Statutory Instruments)

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About This Tool

Since 1946, the British Parliament has enacted relevant important legislation such as the procedure for appointing legislation. But because the law was so burdensome, in 1948 Britain rewrote and rewrote its previous legal instruments, a random tool that recorded the details of 54 legal instruments that had been refined that year, for those of you who are interested, take a closer look.

Most of these laws have been modified and adjusted from the old laws. From the generator we can see the detailed date of enactment of each law, the full entry, the primary coverage, and so on. They were mainly in response to a series of social emergencies that occurred at that time, and to prevent and remedy the recurrence of those events. The amendment and addition of legal documents is an important procedure and measure to perfect the legal system.

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