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  • Green Lantern on Random sort Each Justice League Member Into Hogwarts Hous

    (#12) Green Lantern

    • American Splendor, Green Lantern, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Justice League: Doom, DC Universe

    The power of the Green Lanterns is derived from personal willpower and belief in one’s self, headstrong qualities that are invariably important in Slytherin. Any member of the Corps would likely fit in the house, but none more so than Hal Jordan, the original Green Lantern.

    Jordan is self-assured to the point of arrogance - often frustrating his teammates - but such traits are welcomed with open arms in Slytherin. Not to mention Slytherin's primary house color is emerald green, so it would be hard to imagine Hal in any Hogwarts attire besides Slytherin robes.

  • Shazam on Random sort Each Justice League Member Into Hogwarts Hous

    (#9) Shazam

    • Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam

    Shazam is a goodhearted young boy and a big burly superhero bundled into one. In the original continuity, the word “Shazam” was an acronym for the names of six gods from whom Billy Batson would receive powers - the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.

    All of these qualities are heroic and in keeping with Gryffindor’s history of fortitude, but courage is the most important aspect when regarding Shazam's Hogwarts sorting.

  • Green Arrow on Random sort Each Justice League Member Into Hogwarts Hous

    (#11) Green Arrow

    • Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2, DC Universe

    Oliver Queen is a self-described “social justice warrior,” meaning he dedicates his life to fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves. In other words, Green Arrow is a perfect candidate for Gryffindor, despite the obvious clashing color schemes.

    Gryffindor places a great deal of importance on bravery, and nothing says brave quite like facing off against gods and alien invasions with a bow and arrow. As the former mayor of Star City, Queen obviously doesn’t mind putting himself front-and-center, which is fitting given that all of Harry Potter’s main characters also come from Gryffindor.

  • Batman on Random sort Each Justice League Member Into Hogwarts Hous

    (#3) Batman

    • Batman Beyond, Young Justice, Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League Unlimited, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, The New Batman Adventures, Is Your Honeymoon Really Necessary?, Batman Beyond: The Movie, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, Batman: Under the Red Hood, Batman, The Dark Knight Rises, Batman Begins, Batman: Year One, Batman Fights Dracula, Batman: New Times, The Batman vs. Dracula, American Splendor, Robin's Big Date, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2, Alyas Batman en Robin, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, The Lego Movie, The Dark Knight, The Fatima Buen Story, Alyas Batman at Robin, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Justice League: Doom, Batman: Gotham Knight, Fight Batman Fight!, Movie 43, Batman Returns, Batman vs. Superman, Batman Forever, Batman, Batman & Robin, Disaster Movie, James Batman, DC Universe

    Some fans may scoff at the idea of Batman, the most popular superhero in the world, joining the same house as Lord Voldemort and Draco Malfoy, but Harry Potter readers will be the first to point out that not all Slytherins are evil.

    Slytherins value cunning and resourcefulness more than anything, and given that Batman is known for being prepared for any situation, he would definitely receive high marks. The Dark Knight has also been known to cross ethical lines in the name of practicality, something that many Slytherins would likely encourage.

    In yet another parallel, Bruce Wayne built a Batcave under his mansion, and Salazar Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets beneath Hogwarts.

  • Elongated Man on Random sort Each Justice League Member Into Hogwarts Hous

    (#10) Elongated Man

    • DC Universe

    Batman is often hailed as the world’s greatest detective, but Ralph Dibny could give him a run for the title. Whichever of the two is better at solving mysteries, there can be no doubt that the Elongated Man enjoys the act much more than the Dark Knight, making the former an ideal Ravenclaw.

    Ravenclaws don't just value big brains, they also honor the pursuit of knowledge and understanding - something Elongated Man is all about. To get into the Ravenclaw dormitories, one must answer a riddle, a feature which would undoubtedly assure Dibny he was sorted into the proper house.

  • Blue Beetle on Random sort Each Justice League Member Into Hogwarts Hous

    (#8) Blue Beetle

    Several have donned the Blue Beetle mantle in DC history, but the most well-known also happens to be the best fit for Ravenclaw. Ted Kord is a veritable genius, and although he has no actual superpowers, he has created enough technology to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of the Justice League.

    Kord has mastered all manners of science, including chemistry, physics, and engineering, which is in keeping with the lofty academic standards of Ravenclaw. His sense of humor might not be textbook Ravenclaw, but perhaps he’d add some much-needed levity to the sometimes dreary group.

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About This Tool

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, from J. K. J. K. Rowling’s fantasy novel, Harry Potter, appeared in the fantastic beasts and where to find them films series. The exact location of the school, which is located in the English-Scottish gothic style of Hogwarts Castle, can not be determined because it can not be marked. Similarly, the location of most magic schools is kept secret, to ensure that their secrets are kept from outsiders and to protect the students and the school itself from outsiders. Magical children are registered at birth and receive Accepted from owls at the age of 11.

This randomly generated tool collates 11 items from 11 marvel characters with superpowers according to their different personality traits and characters, as well as the level of superpowers they possess, they were randomly assigned to different Hogwarts. Isn’t that a funny thing?

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