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  • Cheerleaders Are Required To Follow A Strict Dress Code - Even While Off The Field on Random Sexist Rules NFL Cheerleaders Have To Follow

    (#7) Cheerleaders Are Required To Follow A Strict Dress Code - Even While Off The Field

    Unlike most jobs, cheerleader dress code requirements do not end when the work day is over. Many teams have strict rules regarding how cheerleaders can dress even while off the field. In 2018, a New Orleans Saints cheerleader was terminated for a number of violations, one of which included posting a photo of herself on Instagram wearing a lacy body suit. The outfit was deemed to fall under the classification "nude, semi-nude, or lingerie," forbidden in the cheerleader handbook. This is just one rule regarding how cheerleaders can appear in public and online. Some teams strictly regulate the kinds of piercings and nail polish are appropriate, and wearing sweatpants in public is outright forbidden in some handbooks. 

  • Cheerleaders Were Forced On A Weekend Long

    (#1) Cheerleaders Were Forced On A Weekend Long "Photo Shoot" That Required Them To Pose Topless And Act As Escorts

    In 2013, the Washington Redskins required their cheerleaders to take a trip to Costa Rica purportedly for a photo shoot. As soon as the cheerleaders arrived, officials collected their passports, making it effectively impossible for the cheerleaders to leave on their own accord. They were then told they had to participate in a 14-hour calendar photo shoot that included mandatory nudity. Male representatives from various Redskins sponsors were allowed to view the shoot up close.

    After the shoot, officials gave nine of the cheerleaders a "special assignment." They were essentially forced to act as escorts to a nightclub for several of the male sponsors. Despite the fact several of the chosen women began crying, they were forced to go through with the task for the sake of keeping their job. While the cheerleaders were not forced to have sex, they all felt incredibly disrespected and uncomfortable with the situation. 

  • Handbooks Provide Instructions On How To Properly Speak on Random Sexist Rules NFL Cheerleaders Have To Follow

    (#13) Handbooks Provide Instructions On How To Properly Speak

    The handbook for the Buffalo Jills gives very specific instructions on how a cheerleader should speak. The cheerleaders are instructed to never use the words/phases like I seen ityou’s guysdudethem guys, ain't, and pee. They are to avoid the topics of religion, politics, sexual references, and talking about the previous night. The instructions also dictate that they should use the phrase 'oh my goodness' instead of 'oh my god'. There are even rules for speaking when no one is around: “Always say ‘excuse me’ when you burp, sneeze or cough. Even if you think there isn’t anyone around.”

    Overall, these rules seem to provide conversational instructions modeled after an antiquated idea of femininity.

  • 'Slouching Breasts' And Wearing Underwear Are Forbidden on Random Sexist Rules NFL Cheerleaders Have To Follow

    (#5) 'Slouching Breasts' And Wearing Underwear Are Forbidden

    Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader Alexa Brenneman filed a class-action lawsuit against the franchise for violating employment laws. Because of the case, the handbook for Ben-Gal Cheerleaders was made public, revealing shockingly specific instructions. One such instruction was, “No panties are to be worn under practice clothes or uniform, not even thong panties.” This rule seems extremely intrusive, and even more so because the athletic benefit of being panty-free remains to be seen.

    While Ben-Gals are instructed to go without underwear, the handbook dictated that bras are a must. It states, “No slouching breasts. Support as needed. Black or nude seamless bra mandatory for games. No lace.” The handbook goes on to dictate that cheerleaders wear pantyhose, but not of the control top variety.

  • The Cheerleaders Are Required To Buy The Team Calendar And Then Sell It For Profit on Random Sexist Rules NFL Cheerleaders Have To Follow

    (#10) The Cheerleaders Are Required To Buy The Team Calendar And Then Sell It For Profit

    One of the strangest revelations about how cheerleaders are treated involves the annual calendar. The Ravens cheerleading team is the only co-ed team in the league. While all the female cheerleaders appear in the calendar, the male cheerleaders do not. However, the male cheerleaders are welcome to attend the swimsuit shoot if they pay their own way, which many of them do since it's basically a vacation.

    When the calendars are printed, cheerleaders are required to by them. The female cheerleaders must purchase 100, while the male cheerleaders are only required to purchase 20. Bought at $12 apiece, the cheerleaders then sell the calendars for $15 apiece to turn a profit. This is much like the Mary Kay or LuLaRoe business scheme, with the added twist that the women have to sell five times as many calendars as the men.

  • 'Negative Facial Expressions' Are Prohibited on Random Sexist Rules NFL Cheerleaders Have To Follow

    (#15) 'Negative Facial Expressions' Are Prohibited

    Cheerleaders are generally portrayed in a positive, smiling manner, but the extent to which the handbooks dictate this positive, smiling manner is outlandish. The Raiderette’s handbook instructs, “Crude language, innuendos, slang and negative facial expressions are strictly VERBOTEN!”


    Finally, the Buffalo Jills’s handbook says, “Do not be overly opinionated about anything. Do not complain about anything- ever hang out with a whiner? It’s exhausting and boring.”

    So, smile all the time, don't be a whiner, and never question authority? Yes, cheerleaders supposed to be smiling, positive, and enthused, but the extent to which these handbooks tells their cheerleaders to be happy is reminiscent of The Stepford Wives.

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