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  • (#4) Woman Hits Cashier For Doing Their Job

    From Redditor u/Sid-Biscuits:

    When a woman set down cash on the counter and I went to count it, but she slapped my hand HARD because she was looking for the change.

  • (#5) Customer Destroys Movie Rental Store For Charging Her Late Fees

    From Redditor u/CaptainWisconsin:

    There was a woman who not only absolutely refused to pay her late fees (which were legitimate), she became so enraged that she threw her stack of tapes at me, hitting me in the face. She then marched around the store and knocked every cassette, DVD, and coverbox that she could reach off of the shelves (some with her hands, some by swinging her purse), while shouting obscenities. My manager got on the phone and called the police. When Angry Lady finished trashing the store, she demanded to know which cars out on the parking lot my coworker and I drove. When we refused to say, she spit at us and knocked all of the candy/shelf talkers/etc. off of the counters, and began stomping on them.

    Oh, and the late fee she owed? $12.

  • (#15) Retail Customer Leaves Mess Right Before Store Closes

    From Redditor u/kaiterlyn:

    One night I was on the closing shift, where you spend pretty much the entire shift zoning your assigned area. For me, that meant folding clothes for 5 hours. Around 8pm a woman, probably in her late 40s, approached me. She asked if I could help her find maxi skirts. I happily walked her to where they were. She then asks my opinion on which skirts I liked the best. Again, I happily told her. She grabs every single print we offer in the skirt. Then she asks me to come back to the fitting room with her. When we get back to the fitting room she wants me to stand outside the dressing room as she tries the skirts on. She comes out after each one and spends about 5 minutes going back and forth on “does this look good?” “Is it the right size?” “I don’t like it.” “Actually I do like it.” She asked me to fetch different sizes for different prints. She also has an attitude while she’s doing all of this. This went on until about 9:30. She now has about 20-25 skirts in her dressing room. She leaves them all sprawled out in the room and proceeds to tell me that she doesn’t want any of them. Then she tells me to have a good night and leaves, leaving her mess behind. It took everything in me to smile back and to say have a good night as well.

  • (#13) Woman Yells At Cashier With Toilet Paper Stuck To Her Butt

    From Redditor u/2PlasticLobsters:

    A woman stomped into the office supply store I worked in and demanded to use the restroom. I pointed her toward it and rang up a couple other customers.

    A few minutes later, she stomped back to the counter. There was a HUGE knot of toilet paper protruding from the back of her pants' waistband. It looked like some fake-flower crafting project gone horribly wrong. I had my mouth open to inform her, when...


    Normally a tirade like this would've pissed me off. But I so enjoyed the thought of her walking around with a giant TP flower on her butt, it was all I could do not to laugh.

  • (#2) It's Not Stealing, It's Borrowing Without Permission

    From Redditor u/mimieieieieie:

    I used to work in a perfume and makeup shop. An old Karen walked in and spent some time in the store, and then left with a lipstick that she didn't pay for. The security guy immediately went after her and told her that this counted as stealing, and if she doesn't pay for it, he would have to call the police.

    Karen came back shouting and saying some awful sh*t to the security guard, making a huge scene. The manager came down, and Karen told her that she just wanted to see the color of the lipstick in the daylight, that's why she walked out (note that it wasn't a tester, it was a product), and the security guard harassed her.

    At this moment the manager actually apologized, and told Karen that the guard made a mistake.

  • (#3) Customer Complains About Bones In His Bone-In Fish

    From Redditor u/ASLane0:

    Used to work at a supermarket customer service desk. Guy comes over SCREAMING that his wife choked on the bones of fish that he bought from the fishmonger and was demanding to speak to the store manager. The store manager absolutely was not someone you bother for a rando customer issue without good reason, so I try to get more info.

    "Sorry to hear that sir, was it a fillet of fish?"




    "....Was it a whole fish?"



    ...I noped out and called the store manager.

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About This Tool

We all have some bad customer service experiences in life, but the retail workers have other stories. From bad customers to annoying unexpected accidents, many retail workers feel that they have become accustomed to communicating with different customers. But they can definitely tell you that the customer is not always right. It is lucky that most retail workers have patience and tolerance.

Shopping will be a terrible experience without their hard work and patience. Working as a retail employee is far from easy, the random tool describes 15 of the worst work experiences from some retail workers.

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