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  • (#8) A Few Fun Delivery Tales

    From WadeWilsonforPope:

    "I had a very drunk guy try to force his way into my car in a sketchy part of town. I think he thought I was a taxi because of the light on the top of my car. I peeled out of there before he damaged my car door.

    Also had a cop pull a gun on me. Twice."

  • (#14) Domino's Was Pretty Cheap When It Came To Safety

    From TheHundredsOpenness:

    "Not me, my partner's mother. In the '80s they would have to drift around icy corners of rural roads in Honda Civics that Domino's bought on the cheap for them to use."

  • (#4) Something Smelled Fishy (And It Was)

    From moneyf0lder:

    "I delivered pizzas from age 19-23 (2009-2013) in a crappy part of town.

    One night near close, we got a shady sounding order (I didn't take the call) to a fake address, and they changed it to another when we wouldn't deliver. We had a sneaking suspicion something was up, so I brought the cook with me and we both brought large metal pipes with us. He just stood next to my car while I went to the door.

    When I knocked, the porch light flicked on and off a few times. I knocked again and the porch light flickers. It happens a few more times until some grouchy middle age man opens the door (think Carl from Aqua Teen Hungerforce), bluntly tells me he didn't order, and shut the door in my face. When we left we noticed a bunch of hooded guys in the bushes across the street. Later that night a rival pizza chain driver was robbed on that street."

  • (#3) Doing Deliveries In A Hurricane

    From ElToberino:

    "I worked as a delivery boy in College Station, TX and had to work the day when Hurricane Ike made landfall. It was horrifying driving in that weather, and I got less than $10 in tips the entire shift because the people who order delivery in a hurricane are the same type off a**holes that don't tip."

  • (#1) Too Many Guns, And One Gun Too Soon

    From tacticoolmachinist:

    "I was a driver for Domino's and our store was closing for the night. I was helping out with the closing duties and had just taken out half of the daily trash to the dumpster. When I came back to grab the rest of the trash, I left the side door ajar so I wouldn't have to deal with the keypad with my hands full. Well, a robber decided that was his opportunity to come in and brandish a gun in our faces. The scariest and most vivid moment for me was staring at the ugly brown tile thinking it would be the last thing I ever saw.

    I was given a week off, but when I got back I was still a jumpy wreck for months.

    About three weeks after the robbery, I was at a customer's door when he quickly swung his door open and pointed a pistol in my face, almost touching my forehead. He held it there for about ten hours (two seconds) before exclaiming 'It's just a joke, I thought you were my friends,' and showed me that it was just an airsoft pistol.

    I carried my pistol every single day after the robbery. The guy with the airsoft pistol was super lucky my hands were full of pizza."

  • (#15) A Creeper Made Them Deliver To His Car

    From a deleted user:

    "There was one regular that had us deliver his food, beer, and cigarettes (yes we delivered all of those, so it was an interesting job to say the least) to his truck, which sat in the middle of a field full of rusty cars and other random sh*t. He liked to make sexual jokes/comments. As a woman who was 19 at the time, he freaked me the f*ck out."

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About This Tool

If you suddenly want to eat Italian sausage pizza or Hawaiian pizza at 2 in the morning, don’t despair and wait until dawn. Just pick up the phone and call the pizza delivery service. Almost all pizzerias open late at night can provide this service. For late-night pizza delivery, location and price are very important. Pizza delivery drivers will be the person you want to see most at late night, but you never know their struggles ever.

Do you often call for pizza delivery at night? Then you must be interested in these late-night horror stories from the pizza delivery drivers, they always bear unimaginable pressure.

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