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  • (#21) More Than Once?!

    Posted by u/MarisiaKing:

    This happened this past week. We got a last minute delivery for a not-so-great area notorious for not tipping, and I got stuck with it. The guy had already ordered once that day, and he'd paid with a card the first time, no tip. This time was cash.

    For this delivery, his total came out to be $20.20. When he opened the door, I made a joke about seeing him so much, and then he handed over two $10 bills. He said that was all he had but he'd get me next time, citing the coin shortage as an excuse to not have any change.

    I've had several people lately cite the coin shortage as an excuse to not pay the last few cents, and I told him the same thing I told them: I need the last twenty cents. I might have let it slide if he was nice about it, but like most people like this, the guy was rude and was acting like my showing up with his food was a major inconvenience.

    "So you're telling me I've gotta go all the way back in my house for TWENTY CENTS?"

    "Yep." I crossed my arms and stared him down, and eventually he gave in. He went inside and came back about a minute later with a handful of change. I counted it up and it turned out to be sixteen cents.

    "That's all I've got, for real this time."

    At this point I was more than a little annoyed, and I was through with this bastard. So, again, I told him I needed the exact total.

    I stared him down again for another thirty seconds before he FINALLY pulled a dollar bill out of his pocket. "Oh, I forgot I had this in here!" Sure you did, pal.

    So he handed over the bill and I gave him back the coins. Then he got greedy.

    "Where's my eighty cents?" he demanded.

    I passed over the pizza and told him, "Sorry, but I don't have any coins to make change. Coin shortage, you know?"

    "Well, ain't you got nickels? Nobody uses nickels. Go get me some."

    I was not about to go back to the store and come back with eighty cents worth of nickels after the crap he'd already pulled, especially since the store was already closed. I told him no and he slammed the door in my face.

    You can't make this sh*t up.

    TL;DR Guy tried to short me twenty cents, and went out of his way to try and keep me from getting it. Then he had the nerve to demand I get him his change in all nickels.

  • (#4) Check The Address

    Posted by u/JudgeJudyApproved:

    Had a stupid one tonight, but the store kinda got revenge
    I had a delivery to the anus-end of my franchise's delivery area. You know how it is, we only deliver so far before they have to call a different store. The address was like a 12 minute drive to a small community off the furthest street we go to. No problem, pre-tip is like $8 so I'm down.

    I get out there, and the customer provided gate code doesn't work. I call him, and he swears he typed the gate code correctly. We (eventually) work out that even though the ticket says 9200 (street), he MEANT 1900 (street), which is way out of our area. Then he asks me if I can deliver it anyway and what I can bring him for the inconvenience of getting it to the wrong place

    Now, first of all, I can't bring him anything even if I want to because I've already left the store, second, that's WAY outside our area, and third, he had ordered online and typed the wrong address himself.

    Brought it back to the store as per policy. The MoD laughed it off and let the employees eat his food. About 20 minutes later, he called my phone (i hate having to use my own phone for these, but that's a separate complaint), and demanded to know where his food was. It felt pretty good to give him the right store phone number and politely inform him that there would be no refund because he'd entered the address himself and had like 3 chances to check it before we cooked it.

    When I am the President, there will be a constitutional amendment that you must have worked as a delivery driver for at least a month before you can use the service. In fact, this goes for working retail too.

  • (#10) No IOU For Pizza

    Posted by u/bobcat009:

    I work for one of the Big 3 in a college town.

    Every year that I work in this store college students get more and more delusional and entitled. Case in point, I had a student call and this is how our conversation goes:

    Him: So I'm riding my bike to you guys from the campus, but I lost my wallet. Would it be alright if I took the pizza and got you guys back tomorrow?

    Me: I'm sorry, sir, but we're unable do that.

    Him: Oh, come on man! Like, I'm a regular customer and you guys know I'm good for it.

    (Note: I've worked here full time for almost 4 years and have never seen his name before. Also, he only had 1 other previous order on file.)

    Me: I'm really sorry, sir, but we just simply cannot do that.

    Him: Well that's an unfortunate policy that you guys have.

    Me (losing my cool a bit): It's not our policy, it's just how businesses work.

    Him: Well, I thinks really dumb that you guys won't work with me. Like, I'm a regular customer and I bring you guys a bunch of business.

    Me (having no cool at this point): Dude, you don't have money you don't get pizza. End of story.

    Him: But, like, I'll pay you guys back tomorrow!

    Me: Not happening dude, because, you know, theft is a thing.

    Him: Dude, I just lost my wallet riding my bike over to you guys. Besides, I'm good for it! You guys should have my name there and everything.

    Me: If you want the pizza, you have to pay for it. I'd advise you go find your wallet.

    Him: I just think you guys should value your loyal customers more.

    Me: Hangs up

    Maybe I should have hung up earlier. But, yeah, the kid seemed so confident that we would let him take the pizza and "get us back later." These sorts of stupid requests and inane conversations are a regular occurrence once the college students are back in town.

  • (#5) Call 911 For Pizza

    Posted by u/Whybotherr:

    "Give me a cheese pizza and I wont pay for it!" Or how I got the cops called on me.
    I am a shift leader and occasional delivery driver for a papinoes hut in my area. I was working one night inside when I notice one of my drivers take a call. I occasionally like to listen to my drivers take orders to make sure they're offering the correct deals, and to make sure that everything is made as ordered.

    My driver takes the call and the person orders a single large veggie lover. I make the order and send it out with another driver. He comes back to the store saying that the lady was upset that we forgot her cheese pizza. I listened to the order being placed. A cheese pizza was not ordered. Lo an behold a few minutes later we get a call.

    Me: Thank you for choosing Papinoes Hut at [Location]! My name is [Name], how can I help you?

    Customer: Yes, i placed an order about 30 minutes ago and i did not recieve my cheese pizza.

    M: Sorry to hear that can i get your phone number?


    M: I'm sorry ma'am but you didnt order a cheese pizza, I was listening to my driver take your order and one was not ordered.

    C: well can I speak to your manager

    M: I am the manager ma'am.

    C: Well I am going to come up there and see what kind of a manager you really are.

    I think nothing of it and continue breaking down the store as it's currently 10 pm on a Saturday and we close at 1 so any tasks I can do at the moment to help us get out on time is greatly appreciated by me and my closing drivers.

    I had just finished breaking down our make line for the evening when I hear the door chime alerting that someone had just walked in.

    Me: Hi welcome to papinoes hut! I'll be right with you!.... Hi how can I help you?

    Customer: I talked with [My name] on the phone. Are you [name]?

    M: yes ma'am.

    C: I want my cheese pizza and i refuse to pay for it as I already should have recieved it.

    M: well ma'am it doesnt look like you'll be getting a cheese pizza tonight.

    C: Well can I get a refund?

    Side note, as a shift lead at my store I have not been properly trained to give out refunds and all refunds must be done through my Store manager or above.

    M: Well ma'am I'm sorry but I can not give you a refund however if you would like to come in tomorrow morning at 10:30 my boss should be here and able to help you with that.

    I try to say...

    She listened up to the point where I said I cant give her a refund and then angrily told me she was going to call the cops on me.

    About 10 minutes later a couple of uniforms were in my store, asking me if there was any way we would give her a free pizza, completely understanding that as a business we didnt typically hand out free pizzas to anyone who asked.

    I understood that the easiest way for this to be over was to give the lady her pizza, but when someone wastes my time I get petty and told the officer no. She understood and asked if i wanted the lady to leave the premises. I didnt give a sh*t, but my boss said yes so i said yes. She left and as far as I'm aware she has yet to call to get her refund.

    About 2 hours later the same cops were arresting someone else in front of our store causing us to be stuck inside the store as they were in front of our vehicles so we couldn't leave.

    Fun times.

    Tldr: Go ahead. Call them.

  • (#2) When You Deliver To A Murderer

    Posted by u/footiesocks1:

    This happened several years ago, and I won't go into a ton of detail because Google exists and I don't want to point a bit arrow to where it happened by saying too much.

    I had worked at a big pizza chain for almost a year at this point, so I was aware of a lot of the dangers of the job - robberies, drunken morons, naked people, etc. - but this instance really made it sink in.

    A girl had been reported missing in our area under super suspicious circumstances. It was a big deal in a relatively small town where things like that don't happen super frequently. It was all over the news, billboards were being put up, the whole shebang. We had state cops, other county cops, and federal investigators all in town to help.

    A few weeks after the initial report, they announce an arrest. They had the guy dead to rights, no question that he was the one who did it. When I got to work that day someone asked me if I had seen the announcement. I hadn't yet, so I pulled up the news article on my phone. HOLY. SH*T. I know that name. I know that address. I know that face. A month or so prior, I had delivered to this guy. His apartment complex was a few blocks down the road.

    To add to the creep factor, this dude lived in a complex with several buildings where each one had a locked door to get into the building. It's full of young kids that are almost always drunk and ignorant when they order and I'd had issues there before. Due to that, I made a point to always have customers come and meet me at the main door as opposed to being buzzed in and going to their unit door. Usually it wasn't a huge deal, but this dude really tried to press the issue and had several excuses to why he couldn't come down and I needed to come up. Each one was met with "company policy doesn't allow me to do that" until he finally caved and came down. He was less than enthused, but paid for his pizza and I went about my way.

    As a female, and given that this happened within a few weeks of him kidnapping and killing the other girl, I am so immensely grateful for all the drunken morons that caused me to stop going inside of the buildings at this complex.

  • (#3) Don't Rob The Driver

    Posted by u/jlynny1811:

    I was robbed by idiots who were high, at their house.
    This was 20 years ago. I delivered pizza on a football night and had made a lot in tips. Last call of the night I delivered a pizza and they claimed I was late. I don't remember what the time frame was, but if linger than xxx time from ordering, pizza was free. It wasn't late but they (about 12) insisted and had kind if a threatening posture, so I let them have the pizza. As I got to my car, they come out and tell me to hold up. I was naive enough to believe they were gonna tip me. Instead they threw me up against my car, someone else went in another door and took all the money I had. While they were getting the money out, I distinctly remember someone holding a knife up to me. Then there is a blank in my memory but somehow I got in my car unharmed and I remember this girl standing behind my car like she thought she could stop me and I remember aiming for her. I didn't hit her but I was so angry I sure tried. They were easily caught by the police since they went back inside the house.

    EDIT: The city bundled a bunch of charges against them for other crimes, they got time, a couple of years for the guy who held the throat to me and the guy who took my $. The others I honestly don't remember. I moved across country a few months later. I happened to be in town for the trial of the guy with the knife. I have checked out his FB account and he seems to have turned his life around from what I can tell and straightened up. I did get my $ back but it took 2 years =/

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About This Tool

We all like delicious pizza. In fact, it is difficult for most people to name more convenient and delicious food than a pizza. Thanks to the convenient pizza delivery service, guests can enjoy their meals in the comfort of their homes. All this is due to the pizza delivery staff who bravely face the bad weather and accidents, they deserve more attention and respect. 

We don't know much about the life of pizza delivery people. These hard-working people travel between different neighborhoods with food during the day and night, they know more stories in the society. The random tool collected 23 horror stories from pizza delivery workers.

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