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Random Food Myths

  • Eggs Are Full of Cholesterol on Random Food Myths

    (#3) Eggs Are Full of Cholesterol

    While it's traditional for people with high cholesterol to avoid eggs, it's not necessary, and not really even helpful. Eggs are high in cholesterol, but they have little saturated fat, and no trans fat - along with high quantities of over a dozen vitamins and minerals. And little of the cholesterol in eggs actually makes it into a person's bloodstream. If it's a serious issue for you, avoid the yolks and just eat the whites.
  • Microwaving Food Kills Its Nutrients on Random Food Myths

    (#12) Microwaving Food Kills Its Nutrients

    Actually, microwaving vegetables is a great way to ensure it keeps its nutritional value. The small amount of non-ionizing radiation put out by a microwave doesn't have the power to alter the molecular structure of what it cooks - only to heat it. It's simply a non-scientific myth that microwave cooking "kills" food that used to be "alive and healthy." There are, of course, things you shouldn't microwave - specifically anything you're giving to a baby, because the cooking can be uneven.
  • Certain Foods Have "Negative" Calories on Random Food Myths

    (#7) Certain Foods Have "Negative" Calories

    The thinking behind this myth is that certain foods are so low calorie (celery is often used as an example) that eating them burns more calories than it creates - creating a negative calorie situation. While many fruits and vegetables are extremely low in calories, the act of chewing and digesting them has no significant caloric expenditure - so even if you're taking in just 10, you're still only using a fraction of one. Claims by soda companies that their products are "negative calorie" have led to lawsuits and settlements - because they're bogus.
  • Seared Meat Keeps Its Juices In on Random Food Myths

    (#5) Seared Meat Keeps Its Juices In

    It's actually just the opposite. The idea of searing meat to seal in its juice stems from a 19th century experiment conducted using two pieces of meat, one of which had been soaked in water before it was grilled. Naturally, this meat was wetter than the meat that had simply been grilled. In reality, seared meat is actually less moist than grilled meat. If you like the taste of seared meat, that's great and what you should eat - just not for its moistness.
  • Pork Must be Overcooked to Avoid Parasites on Random Food Myths

    (#11) Pork Must be Overcooked to Avoid Parasites

    This used to be true, but isn't really anymore. The risk of contracting the parasite trichinosis has all but vanished in the United States thanks to food safety regulations, regular inspections, and better hygiene. The USDA has actually reduced the minimum safe temperature for pork to from 165 degrees to 145 in response to the reduced risk of trichinosis. You still don't want to eat pork raw, but you don't need to blast it into dry, gray oblivion.
  • Perioidic Fasting Cleanses the Body of Toxins on Random Food Myths

    (#13) Perioidic Fasting Cleanses the Body of Toxins

    This is wrong on a number of levels - and dangerous. It's important to point out that the advocates of cleansing "toxins" are never able to point out what a toxin is or what it does to you - only that you're full of them. But from a scientific standpoint, your body already has a perfectly designed system to cleanse itself of toxic material. It's your kidneys and liver. As long as you're going to the bathroom at regular intervals, eating a well-balanced diet, and exercising, you're doing everything you need to get rid of toxins - and no fasting, juice cleanse, or fad diet will help you do that.

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About This Tool

It is normal that people want to choose the best and most nutritious foods. Consumers have started searching online stores and supermarkets for all kinds of foods with magical effects. In fact, we must reconsider the choice of food, because some of them are unhealthy. Some people are too good at creating food myths, and these myths are only created by their own perception, without any scientific basis.

Let's take a look at some of the most common food myths and the truth. The generator displays random 17 food myths about some ordinary things, such as eggs, salt, grilling meat, etc. 

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