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  • Odin Was An Abusive Father And Hela Got The Worst Of It on Random Fan Theories About Hela That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#11) Odin Was An Abusive Father And Hela Got The Worst Of It

    From Redditor u/EmperorJoker:

    So this is covers pretty much the whole franchise but I will be focusing solely on Ragnarok. Odin is without question an abusive father. He does terrible things to his children when they get out of line. Three best examples are him sending Thor to Earth just because they had an argument. The second is when he told Loki straight up "Your birth right is to die." he literally showed no compassion to Loki in the second movie where as in the first he was very apologetic (just when he happened to get found out of all things) that's not even counting how he pretty much told Loki he'd never see his mother again and this is just in the first two movies though.

    I think his treatment of Hela was even worse he couldn't just seal her away (which in of itself may have been a tad excessive why not just banish her like he did Thor?) he locked her up and erased her very memory in his kingdom at the least he could have told his sons about her as a cautionary tale of what happens if you get drunk with with power just because she wanted to keep expanding their kingdom.

    Yes she was violent but in many ways she's no different from her brothers in fact I think Hela was more angry about him erasing her memory than anything else. My point is Odin doesn't just do these things because he has no choice he did all these things because he wanted to flex his king "muscles" and punish those who crossed him even if they were his family. I mean the fact that Loki is so jacked up is proof of Odin's poor parenting. It can even be argued that Thor was well on his way to being like Hela in the first movie prior to being sent to Earth.

  • Odin Meant For Hela And The Loss Of Mjolnir To Be Thor's Final Trials on Random Fan Theories About Hela That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#6) Odin Meant For Hela And The Loss Of Mjolnir To Be Thor's Final Trials

    From Redditor u/TheMediocreCritic:

    TLDR: Odin designed his enchantments over Mjolnir and Hela to become void after his death. Hela and the loss of the hammer are the last trials that prepare Thor to be King and save his people.

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  • Hela Didn't Go After The Infinity Stones Because She Was Already Powerful Without Them on Random Fan Theories About Hela That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#7) Hela Didn't Go After The Infinity Stones Because She Was Already Powerful Without Them

    From a Redditor :

    Why didn't Hela go after all 6 infinity stones? In the MCU, she's obviously equal to or more powerful than Thanos. She doesn't even have to be in Asgard to he powerful. Also, being a goddess herself, she could probably wield all 6 stones with ease. I also have a theory Odin is the one who hid all 6 stones from Hela hundreds of years before Ragnarok. Wouldn't the task of collecting all 6 stones be easier for Hela with her undead Asgardian army and giant dog?

    From Redditor u/Anlashok2016:

    Her and Odin managed to conquer the Nine Realms without any Infinity Stones so the thought of using them probably never crossed her mind. Also, she probably would have viewed just snapping your enemies away to be the act of a weakling.

    From Redditor u/billbapapa:

    I also get the impression she takes pleasure in the killing/fighting - a snap would be boring and anti-climatic for her. Also as you say she didn't need them - I believe at the time of Thor 3 they still have an infinity stone on Asgard - she obviously knows about them and doesn't bother with them so I think that helps back up theory that collecting them doesn't even register with her as anything but a waste of time.

  • Loki Looks Like Hela Because Of Odin on Random Fan Theories About Hela That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#3) Loki Looks Like Hela Because Of Odin

    From Redditor u/JessiLeighArt:

    TL;DR: Loki looks like Hela because when Odin changed Loki's Jotun form to an Aesir form as an infant Odin was thinking of his imprisoned eldest child, Hela.

    I'll start off by saying, if you've watched even the first Thor movie, you know Loki is adopted, which explains why Loki and Thor don't quite look alike.However, when watching Thor: Ragnarok you more than likely noticed that when Hela appears and we first see all the siblings together, Loki and Hela look like they could actually be siblings and Thor looks like the adopted one.

    This is a little odd, isn't it? Well maybe not.

    We find out in Ragnarok that Odin had imprisoned his eldest child Hela, when he became fearful of her ambition and willingness to kill in order to control more realms. He felt this act was necessary, but was still saddened by the fact that he had to lock away and basically erase the existence of his beloved eldest child.

    [Read the full theory here]

  • Odin Doesn't Have The Infinity Gauntlet Because He Couldn't Sacrifice Hela For The Soul Stone on Random Fan Theories About Hela That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#4) Odin Doesn't Have The Infinity Gauntlet Because He Couldn't Sacrifice Hela For The Soul Stone

    From Redditor u/lyndonguitar:

    TLDR: Yggdrasil is one big cosmic infinity gauntlet, and Odin originally sought the stones and planned to make the Infinity Gauntlet, but backed out because he couldn't sacrifice Hela for the Soul Stone.

    Basically, Yggdrasil is one big cosmic infinity gauntlet, made by a powerful precursor race to harness the power of infinity stones. for some reason they all died and Asgard was populated by what we now know as Asgardians and the nine realms populated with different beings.

    Asgard was the battery core of that 'cosmic gauntlet' and harnesses the energy of the stones. That's why you see natural portals all over the place, That's why you get Asgardians that can naturally do magic, it actually channels energy from the stones, Loki alters Reality with illusions and reads Minds. Thor, Odin has Power stone like properties, Bifrost is Space stone like powers, and Hela has Power stone and a bit of Reality and Soul stone. Heimdall also has a Soul stone like ability. Hela gets most his powers through Asgard. Thats why bifrost is rainbow color, because it is the color of the infinity stones.

    [Read the full theory here]

  • Hela Is Not Frigga's Daughter on Random Fan Theories About Hela That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

    (#2) Hela Is Not Frigga's Daughter

    From Redditor u/HighTreazon:

    My personal theory is that Hela isn't actually Frigga's daughter, but rather the child of a different woman sired by Odin. Not only does Hela have a complete lack of semblance to Frigga, but she was born during Odin's darker and more bloodthirsty days of conquest. I like to think that Odin went away on a campaign and returned with Hela, who grew up somewhat resented by Frigga, and became a literal reminder of Odin's past sins. Odin was never perfect, and I think that this reading adds a nice nuance to Hela's story.

    In fact, for a long time (before IW or Endgame) I fancied that Hela's mother was the ACTUAL Lady Death, hence her morbid godhood and evil whims. In a way it makes Odin's story a sort of Faustian one.... where Death gives him a child with which he can conquer the 9 realms, but the child will of course be Asgard's undoing.

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