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  • Scar on Random Fan Theories About Disney Villains

    (#10) Scar

    • Fictional Character

    Source: Redditor u/Scherazade

    Details: In The Lion King, we see an interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet played out with lions and other animals, but more than that, we see the intricacies of pride dominance and the true hierarchical structure found in lions' prides. Scar takes over, and he employs the hyenas as his muscle, but this theory says that it wouldn't have made any difference to the local ecosystem.

    One of the biggest reasons is the seasons and the fact that the movie begins in the Spring. The lands are fertile, and all is well. As the movie continues, things dry up (just as they do IRL in African savannahs), and when Simba returns, it's the following Spring.

    The Monsoon comes, the land is fertile once more, and the pridelands are returned to their natural beauty -- just as they are every year. Essentially, all of the death and decay we see while Simba is away is simply the result of the seasons changing, and Scar with his hyena groupies didn't do much of anything to degrade the lands as much as we were led to believe.

  • Yzma on Random Fan Theories About Disney Villains

    (#14) Yzma

    • Fictional Character

    Source: Redditor u/Amreiz

    Details: If you want to read a detailed theory about the truth of Yzma's origins, you can pick apart the theory here. It's long and detailed, but another Redditor summed it up nicely with the following:

    1. "Yzma used to love Kuzco's Grandfather and was rejected.
    2. She tried to make a potion to end her suffering, but it backfired.
    3. She worships Hades.
    4. Hades commissioned Yzma's father to make the potion that turned Hercules mortal.
    5. Megara is a younger version of Yzma
    6. After Hercules kills his and Meg's children and almost her, she is saved by Hades, is pushed into complete madness from the ordeal, and returns to the Incan Empire to live as Yzma for the rest of her days.
    7. She maintains her love of muscle guys (see: Kronk), but now prefers them to be a little less bright."
  • Gaston Is In Denial About His Own Sexuality on Random Fan Theories About Disney Villains

    (#11) Gaston Is In Denial About His Own Sexuality

    Source: Redditor u/ActualButt

    Details: Gaston is all about Belle in Beauty and the Beast, but his relentless pursuit of the village's most beautiful young maiden isn't as clear as it may appear. This theory suggests that the main reason Gaston is so interested in Belle isn't because he's actually attracted to her; rather, he's gay and in denial about his sexuality.

    He, therefore, believes that the best way to show the village that he's a man's man is to go after the village's most desirable girl. He's overcompensating and in denial, but there's one factor about going after Belle that works in his favor, and it's that he knows she will never give in to his advances.

    That leaves him in the clear to continue pursuing a woman he has no interest in while appearing as macho as possible to everyone else in the village.

  • Maleficent on Random Fan Theories About Disney Villains

    (#2) Maleficent

    • Fictional Character

    Source: Redditor u/DiscipleofKek

    Details: There's clearly a problem between the people in the palace and Maleficent when the sorceress appears at the celebration of Aurora's birth in Sleeping Beauty. It's apparent by the way everyone stares at her in horror... everyone except for Queen Leah.

    The Queen had a more nervous expression, and this theory attempts to explain why she alone reacted that way. Maleficent may not have been invited, but she had a lot to do with the child's birth, and there are a few reasons why this is plausible.

    It's stated in the movie's intro that the King and Queen had difficulty getting pregnant, so it stands to reason that the Queen might have turned to magic for help. She turned to Maleficent and promised to acknowledge her in the Court once the child was born, but in the end, she went back on her word. That's why Maleficent was so angry about not being invited, and why she cursed the child at the celebration she crashed.

  • Syndrome on Random Fan Theories About Disney Villains

    (#15) Syndrome

    • Fictional Character

    Source: Redditor u/Spoodern

    Details: This theory takes a look at some of the bonus content released on The Incredibles DVD and BluRay, and digs deep to uncover a shocking truth about Syndrome: he's alive, and Jack-Jack isn't who he appears to be!

    At the end of the first film, Syndrome is killed, and Jack-Jack safely returns to his family. That appeared to be a happy ending, but what if it wasn't. We don't know much about Syndrome, but at the beginning of the movie, Mr. Incredible tells the cops to take him (Buddy) back to his mother to tell her what he's been doing. What if his mother was actually Psychwave, the most intelligent super, and one of the first Syndrome killed?

    What if one of her powers was to pass on her essence to another person, and she somehow passed this ability to her son, and when he died, he passed his own essence into Jack-Jack? He could become the villain in plain sight for the third film, making Syndrome one of the most insidious people in any Disney movie... he took over the body of an adorable infant!

  • Sid Became A Garbageman To Save Toys From Being Thrown Away on Random Fan Theories About Disney Villains

    (#5) Sid Became A Garbageman To Save Toys From Being Thrown Away

    Source: Redditor u/londongarbageman

    Details: Sid may have bee the villain of the first Toy Story movie, but by the third film in the franchise, he'd grown up to become a garbageman, working in his neighborhood.

    While this may have appeared as little more than a cameo to a few eagle-eyed viewers, it was far more if this theory has any credence. In the first film, he's shown that all of the toys he'd been tearing apart for years were alive, and he freaked out.

    Fifteen years later, he's a local garbageman and he picks out anything he finds of value. For Sid, it's toys. He chose a job that would give him access to used and thrown out toys, so that he could rescue them as a continued penance for his actions as a child.

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About This Tool

In all heroic movies, each protagonist needs a villain to set off and promote the contradictory development of the plot. Over the years, Disney has created a lot of classic villains, greedy, insidious, and selfish. Although they finally ushered in a tragic ending, some of them have become classic and unforgettable characters. It's no secret that Disney movie fans like to share theories about their favorite characters, the villains also have some intriguing theories. 

The random tool shares 16 fan theories about Disney villains that would change your minds about these characters and make rewatching them enjoyable.

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