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  • (#6) Ancient Rome And China Were Aware Of Each Other

    From Redditor u/Nerrolken:

    Ancient Rome and Ancient China were aware of each other. Each had heard accounts of the other great empire at the far end of the Silk Road, and they even tried to make direct diplomatic contact several times.

    The Romans believed the distant empire of "Serica" was populated by tiny people (like pygmies), who built an empire surrounded by huge walls around a great river (possibly the Yellow River).

    The Chinese spoke of the empire of "Daqin" in the west, which was famous for its roads and postal network, and where "kings were not permanent" and would be chosen and replaced based on merit during times of crisis, a clear reference to the Roman Republic.


  • (#5) The Collapse Of The Bronze Age Has Been Called 'The Worst Disaster In Ancient History'

    From Redditor u/jloyall:

    TIL that the Bronze Age ended in a collapse of the civilizations of the time one historian [Robert Drews] called "the worst disaster in ancient history, even more calamitous than the collapse of the Western Roman Empire," and nobody knows for sure what happened.

    Sources: Robert DrewsCollapse of the Bronze Age

  • (#11) Yogurt Was Invented In 5000 BC

    From Redditor u/not_not_lying:

    TIL yogurt was invented in 5000 BC and the combination of yogurt and honey was called "the food of the gods".


  • (#8) The 'Osterby Head' Is A Skull From The Iron Age With A Perfectly Preserved Hairdo

    From a former Redditor:

    TIL of the Osterby Head, a skull from the late Iron Age with a perfectly preserved traditional haircut.


  • (#2) Ancient Romans Weaved Asbestos Into Tablecloths And Napkins, And Cleaned Them Using Fire

    From Redditor u/LeonInJapan:

    TIL that Romans weaved asbestos fibers into a cloth-like material that was then sewn into tablecloths and napkins. These cloths were cleaned by throwing them into a blistering fire, from which they came out unharmed and whiter than when they went in.

    From Redditor u/121PB4Y2:

    [Quoting from Asbestos.com]: “While Greeks and Romans exploited the unique properties of asbestos, they also documented its harmful effects on those who mined the silken material from ancient stone quarries. Greek geographer Strabo noted a “sickness of the lungs” in slaves who wove asbestos into cloth. Roman historian, naturalist and philosopher, Pliny the Elder, wrote of the “disease of slaves,” and actually described the use of a thin membrane from the bladder of a goat or lamb used by the slave miners as an early respirator in an attempt to protect them from inhaling the harmful asbestos fibers as they labored.”

    Their slaves, however, were not entitled to financial compensation.


  • (#12) The Colossus Of Rhodes (c. 280 BC) Was Approximately As Tall As The Statue Of Liberty

    From Redditor u/Texas_Rockets:

    TIL that, despite being built in 280 BC, the Colossus of Rhodes was approximately as tall as the Statue of Liberty.


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About This Tool

The rise of city-states, the emergence of iron tools, the rise of Greece, the attempts of the republican system, what did the civilization of the ancient world look like? Archaeologists and historians have been keen to explore the origin and development of ancient civilizations for centuries, their journeys from the early human civilization of Mesopotamia to the collapse of the Roman Empire. The ancient world is full of mysterious and amazing historical things.

Many people are obsessed with books, movies, and TV shows describing ancient history, they seem to have an accurate understanding of the religion, politics, art, and culture of the ancient world. The random tool explained 16 facts about the ancient world that may change your mind.

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