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  • Someone Taught Them That Women Don't Enjoy Intercourse on Random Experiences Of Former Participants In 'Purity Culture'

    (#2) Someone Taught Them That Women Don't Enjoy Intercourse

    From Redditor /u/curse-the-wind:

    Purity culture makes women feel broken and guilty for having a sex drive rather than viewing [it] as a distasteful duty that must be fulfilled for her husband.

    I was taught women just didn't enjoy [intercourse] like men. It was something to endure for the sake of men. Imagine my confusion when I discovered I really f*cking liked it.

  • Someone Told Her That Lost Virginity Scars Women Forever on Random Experiences Of Former Participants In 'Purity Culture'

    (#3) Someone Told Her That Lost Virginity Scars Women Forever

    From Redditor /u/BrandeP:

    It is also something men can move on from, but women will always be "no longer a virgin." I was always told that God would forgive me, but I wouldn't have that "special gift" to give. Where I was from, I think everyone was more blunt about the double standard. There was never really an expectation that your husband would be a virgin, but it would be catastrophic to a woman's future choices in a potential mate. It seemed to me that a man's role was breadwinner, so as long as he worked and made a decent living, he was golden.

    If he goofed off until he was 25, he could turn his life around and still make a great husband. A woman's primary role was [purity]. It didn't matter if she was educated, talented, or anything else, if she had [relations] before marriage then she couldn't come back from that. She can't un-ring that bell.

  • She Learned To Rationalize Abuse on Random Experiences Of Former Participants In 'Purity Culture'

    (#10) She Learned To Rationalize Abuse

    From Becca Andrews, writing for Mother Jones:

    As we laughed at our foolish former selves, I retold the rest of the story of that day at the boy's apartment - how, after I composed myself, roused him, and got dressed, his roommates came home and knocked on the door to see if he wanted to go to dinner. "Now, you won't believe this one," I said. He literally asked me to hide under his bed, wait five minutes, and sneak out after they all left, and "don't forget to lock the door behind you." Then I delivered the punchline - "and I did it!" - and waited for the laughter. My friends were silent...

    This exchange took place not long after the #MeToo stories had begun to circulate, and it was an early hint that I had been working to rationalize - and minimize - what had happened to me.

  • This Church Taught That Premarital Sex Haunts You Even After You Are Happily Married With Kids on Random Experiences Of Former Participants In 'Purity Culture'

    (#15) This Church Taught That Premarital Sex Haunts You Even After You Are Happily Married With Kids

    From Redditor /u/JarethOfHouseGoblin:

    The Christian group I was part of a few years ago had a sermon on [intimate] immorality. The speaker that night was a student leader. He did the Christian dude-bro humble-brag thing of admitting to taking a former girlfriend to the boneyard, but being totally remorseful about it, of course. For Jesus. Then telling us that his former girlfriend is now married with kids, and she'll "have to carry that with her for the rest of her life."

    Had I not already been in the [de-conversion] process, that would have flipped the "this is bullsh*t" switch in my brain. Along with the fact that, after the sermon, we had to read the anonymous postings about the various acts of immorality committed by the organization members. They were taped to the walls and we had to walk by to read them like we were going through the world's sh*ttiest haunted house. It was mind-bending what people thought was worthy of an anonymous confession. I wish I did know who they were so I could tell them that they're just people and are not deeply broken.

  • There Are Possible Physical Side Effects on Random Experiences Of Former Participants In 'Purity Culture'

    (#12) There Are Possible Physical Side Effects

    From Linda Kay Klein, author of Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free:

    Some females experience what is called vaginismus - an involuntary physical tightening of the v*gina that makes sex painful and sometimes even impossible. According to therapist and obstetrician/gynecologist interviews by The Sydney Morning Herald, vaginismus is "more common among women who are saving themselves for marriage" and "women, who due to religious or cultural reasons, have developed an overriding fear of [intercourse]."

  • Some Women Base Their Identities On Being A Virgin on Random Experiences Of Former Participants In 'Purity Culture'

    (#6) Some Women Base Their Identities On Being A Virgin

    From Redditor /u/CttCJim:

    Purity culture is women basing their entire identities around their virginity, so once it's gone, be it by premarital sex, r*pe, or married honeymoon copulating, the woman slowly realizes she has nothing left to offer the world but the drudgery of child-rearing.

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About This Tool

Religious and cultural traditions regard women as the "subordinates" of men. In order to determine the dependent status of women, the traditional social system has adopted many methods to deprive many women of their religious rights and status. The most famous is "purity culture". "purity culture" is a subculture of evangelical Christianity that reached its peak in the 1990s, young girls promised their fathers to wear a “purity ring” to abstain from sex before marriage, the ridiculous thing is that this tradition still exists today.

Christian doctrine believes that virginity is the most perfect state of women, and the model of virginity is the Virgin Mary. The random tool tells 16 stories of people who were suffered the "purity culture".

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