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  • (#6) Never Make It Personal

    Redditor /u/briteyednbushytailed asked:

    Have you only ever killed people for the cartel? Or have there been some personal kills too?

    Redditor /u/Elchinola replied:

    I never killed anyone for my benefit, it was always work. You could fight with me and I would only do what I needed to defend myself...

    Now if the bastard had a gun, I would run and come for him later.

  • (#3) The Hitman's Backstory

    Redditor /u/paradime asked:

    I'd love to know how you get into this sort of business?

    Redditor /u/throwaway55667788 replied:

    I started in the employment of a family friend's business as an errand-runner. When they saw that I was good at doing what they told me, they started offering more overtly illegal jobs. It was always up to me whether or not to take a given job.

  • (#11) Sometimes, It's Best To Kill From Afar

    Redditor /u/Romandi asked:

    Did you use snipers?

    Redditor /u/Elchinola replied:

    I was not involved but did hear about someone sniping out a person who always stayed locked in their house. They stayed in the house across the street and took the first shot they had a chance to do so. From the story I was told, he was setting up the equipment when the person was stepping out of the shower, walking into the bedroom. Instead of setting up, he set up the rifle and took the shot, he then left within a few minutes.

  • (#9) Killing Is Not Enjoyable

    Redditor /u/Romandi asked:

    Did you like killing people? Or treated it just like some kind of job?

    Redditor /u/Elchinola replied:

    I never liked to do it. I didn't get some kind of pleasure from it, if that's what you mean. I came from a very poor place. My home was made of brick with carpet over dirt. There was no school and no way to better our situation. I did it because I was hungry and my family needed to survive. You become a zombie to it. You just do and use what you earn to make life easier.

  • (#17) How Does A Hitman Get Away With It?

    Redditor /u/KingStannisTheMannis asked:

    What did you do in order to cover your tracks? 

    Redditor /u/Elchinola replied:

    Simple ways to cover your tracks: use different paperwork for everything; rent a room under a different name; dress nice for work, dress normal at home. I would switch cars all the time. Also, use cars with American license plates and when pulled over, give the cops a fake American driver's license. Anything to send them off chasing a fake person.

    Money to just bribe people to look the other way was and is the best way to make sure you get home.

  • (#14) Even Hitmen Have Regrets

    Redditor /u/Baydude98 asked:

    Do you have any regrets over what you did? If you could go back, would you stop yourself from doing anything?

    Redditor /u/Elchinola replied:

    Yes. I wanted a normal life, to go to school, learn a trade, and support my family. That was not the case, and because of that it led me down a path. I'm thinking I learned a trade, just not a good one.

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