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  • Suspicious Rental Agreements on Random Warning Signs To Be Look Out For When Renting

    (#3) Suspicious Rental Agreements

    Before paying a deposit or agreeing to rent a property, ask to see the lease or rental agreement. While both documents serve the same purpose of establishing a tenant-landlord contract, a lease is used for a fixed, longer-term rental, such as a year's lease. A rental agreement is used for shorter-term contracts, like month-to-month leases.

    Regardless of the type the landlord is using, review the document carefully beforehand. All wording should be legally sound and clear. Read the policies and fees regarding early termination, pets, and late payments. If there is language that puts you on the hook for repairs or upgrades that are not your fault or responsibility, don't sign. When in doubt, consult a lawyer.

  • Visible Signs Of Water Damage  on Random Warning Signs To Be Look Out For When Renting

    (#1) Visible Signs Of Water Damage

    Water damage most often results from plumbing leaks or leaks in the roof. Signs of water damage can be obvious - such as standing water on the floor - or it can be more subtle, like discolored patches in the ceiling, walls, or flooring.

    Another good way to check for water damage is to give the property a good sniff. Water-damaged spaces smell damp, musty, and stale. If left untreated, water damage can encourage mold growth; allergic-like reactions, respiratory infections, and memory loss are just a few symptoms of mold infestation.

  • Poor Water Pressure on Random Warning Signs To Be Look Out For When Renting

    (#4) Poor Water Pressure

    When you're touring a prospective rental, turn on the taps in all sinks and showers to check the water pressure. Low water pressure can be indicative of a number of potential issues. On the minor end, it might just be a main water valve or water meter valve that isn't fully opened. On the serious end, it could be a sign of old pipes. Old pipes are less efficient pipes, and they are more prone to leaks and bursts.

    There is also a practical consideration to bear in mind as well; low water pressure means it will take a frustratingly long time to do even the simplest of tasks, like drawing a bath or washing the dishes.

  • Old Pipes  on Random Warning Signs To Be Look Out For When Renting

    (#12) Old Pipes

    Be sure to look at the actual pipes in the rental home. In addition to low water pressure and an increased likelihood of leaks and bursts, old pipes can cause hard or rusty water that leaves stains in sinks, tubs, and toilets and a residue on kitchenware.

    If the pipes have galvanized lead in them, there are added concerns about health and safety; lead poisoning can produce everything from fatigue and headaches to cognitive impairment and reproductive issues. During your walk-through of a property, look under the kitchen and bathroom sinks to confirm the pipes are strong, sturdy, and rust-free.

  • Poor Seals On Windows And Doors on Random Warning Signs To Be Look Out For When Renting

    (#13) Poor Seals On Windows And Doors

    The seals around windows and doors should be airtight. Broken, aged, or failing sealant can dramatically alter the temperature of the interior of the unit. This can result in an uncomfortable indoor environment and higher heating and cooling bills. It can also cause windows and doors to rattle constantly, an annoyance that could grow maddening over time.

    If the seal is in particularly bad shape, pests like insects or even small rodents can squeeze their way in. 

  • Inadequate Smoke And CO2 Detectors  on Random Warning Signs To Be Look Out For When Renting

    (#11) Inadequate Smoke And CO2 Detectors

    Most states require landlords to provide working smoke detectors in rental units. About half of the states in the union require carbon monoxide detectors as well.

    See that the rental you're considering has at least the minimum amount of smoke and CO2 detectors as determined by your state. According to the National Fire Protection Association, there should be a smoke detector on each level of the property, and there should be a smoke detector in each bedroom. Test smoke alarms every six months. Always keep fresh batteries on hand in case the existing ones in the devices run low.

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About This Tool

People who study abroad or work have experienced the "difficulty" of renting a house. Renting a house is not an easy task. Many people must have experienced the strange things that happened when renting a house. Learn more about the process knowledge and precautions of renting a house or an apartment in advance can avoid a lot of trouble when starting a new life.

Before you sign the lease or make any payments, you need to do due diligence and read the rules to ensure that you are protected by law in the transaction. The random tool lists 15 warning signs that everyone should watch out for when renting.

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