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  • (#18) Random Toy In The Wall

    According to englishplz:

    "A while ago my parents and I were demolishing the drywall in our house... When we smashed a wall in the living room, an action figure fell out from the inside. It was an action figure of the Batman villain the Riddler. There were so many questions...we had just moved in, and the previous owners didn't seem like the kind to put toys in their walls. It was too perplexing to think about, so we ended up just putting it in a random box somewhere."

  • (#12) A Room Full Of Bee Corpses

    Redditor AMerrickanGirl shared:

    "My ex-husband and I arrived home once and found about a hundred [perished] bees on the living room floor. We couldn't figure out how they got in. It was very spooky.

    Several months later we realized that the damper was stuck open in the chimney and that must have been their entry point."

  • (#7) Is It An Exorcism Kit?

    From YouveBeenDuplicated:

    "Not my house, but my grandmother's ... She [passed] early last year, and I was given the task of clearing out her house for sale. Among a lot of valuable but mundane antiques there was a really worn-out picture of Jesus in a wooden frame, a few inches thick, which I found in her room. Just by chance, I noticed there was a rusty latch on the side. The picture actually opened from the back and revealed a very odd assortment of items: I remember a large wooden cross, vial, rosary, cloth, and spoon (?). The stuff really looked ancient. I knew my grandmother was very religious (went to church every day, house and car filled with religious paraphernalia) so it didn't surprise me. When I showed it to my mother though she had no idea what it was, she'd seen the picture before but never knew it opened up. Personally I like to think it was an exorcism kit or something of the like."

  • (#1) Found In The Old Garage...

    Redditor evasote wrote:

    "I was at my grandparents' farm; huge, over 1,000 acres.

    We went to where a house my great great grandparents had lived in was once located. Although the house was gone, there was still a garage.

    I was pretty young, so I looked through a hole in the door and saw a car stamped with 'MER' on it.

    I said 'Dad, it's a Mercedes!' to which he laughed and said 'no, it's probably a Mercury, son.' People out there don't drive German sports cars.

    A week later my dad was on the phone with one of the renters on that land and told him that story.

    Apparently, there wasn't supposed to be a car there, but we had found the door locked or rusted shut.

    The renter goes over with a sheriff, and find a teenager frozen to death in the driver's seat. I'm really glad I couldn't open the door.

    The story we heard from the sheriff was that he had run away from home in the fall (this was late winter/early spring) and he had nowhere to go. It's about as remote as you can get, and he probably found the garage and parked his car there to be hidden. He was apparently covered in blankets, frozen to death probably on the first night, but maybe he came and went a few times. I'm guessing it was unlocked, and then rusted shut? I remember yanking it hard a few times with my dad, but it didn't budge, and whats to see anyway? It's just an old rotting garage, so we gave up.

    I don't think it's that he 'couldn't get out,' but I think he just didn't make it. It's northern Missouri, so on the wrong night, it can get very cold on the plains, and he couldn't run his car for heat, he would have died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Come to think of it, that may have been it? I doubt there was an autopsy.

    The family hadn't known anything for months, so a very sad story, but at least (I?) found the body.

    If I had never made that funny little observation, who knows, it could have been years until someone went to that garage."

  • (#13) A Live Rabbit In The Living Room

    A Redditor had this story to tell:

    "A bunny. My son was in kindergarten at the time, and he was at the dinner table having breakfast. I was in the living room watching the news and this little bunny just comes hopping right out of his room. It was definitely a wild bunny. I caught and released the poor guy. I can only assume my cat brought it in through the doggie door as a gift?"

  • (#2) They Found A Noose In A Secret Room

    An anonymous Redditor shared this story:

    "In my sophomore year of college my friends and I decided that we wanted to rent a house. My mom was handling all of my loans at the time (just the paperwork, not the actual paying of said loans) so she wouldn't let me move in, but I hung out there a lot. We were checking out the house and looked behind this big furnace only to find a door that couldn't be seen from the main walkway and the realtor obviously didn't know about it as she didn't show it to us. We went in and the lights didn't work so we brought a flashlight. As we walk in the room we notice it smells really stuffy and it's pretty apparent that nobody had been in there for a long time. Upon further investigation we find that there is a noose hanging from a 1000 lb weight bracing unit on the ceiling and there were all kinds of things written all over the walls (plus a bunch of old junk that had been thrown in there). We're not sure what happened in the house and nobody knew about the room, so we cut down the noose and never went in that room."

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