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  • Rick Sanchez on Random 'Rick And Morty' Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#11) Rick Sanchez

    • Rick and Morty

    The star sign Aquarius is a flurry of eccentricity and intellect - just like the mad old scientist and co-protagonist, Rick Sanchez. A raving genius and alcohol-binging crackpot all at once, he expresses both the intellectual excellence and self-destructive nature of the water-bearing Air sign.

    Rick seems to always be scheming up ways to flex his reckless nature, getting into galactic trouble wherever he goes. Thankfully, Rick and the Aquarius have sharp minds and can typically wiggle their way out of tight corners with ease. Their love for technology has them constantly tinkering with strange devices, a must-have skill for avoiding the Galactic Federation.

  • Summer Smith on Random 'Rick And Morty' Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#6) Summer Smith

    • Rick and Morty

    Virgo would never admit it, but they're hopelessly shallow - just like Rick and Morty's Summer Smith. Morty's teen sister is infatuated with the superficial - makeup, magazines, boys - and, just like a Virgo, she's picky about what she gets out of life.

    Virgos like organization and believe things in their life have to be run a very certain way for their personal happiness to be achieved. They become easily overwhelmed, eventually wading in their own self-pity. Even though they can be preachy and shallow, Virgos and Summer enjoy helping out. They're naive, but they only want others to ultimately have the best.

  • Leo (July 23 - August 22): Brad on Random 'Rick And Morty' Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#5) Leo (July 23 - August 22): Brad

    A Leo is the king of the jungle and nobody can step in their spotlight - just like no one can take attention away from Brad. The lion is always a beacon, whether it be because they're a star player on the high school football team like Brad or the CEO of a company.

    Brad loves being the center of everyone's attention, and he won't hesitate to pick a fight. A Leo's arrogance and pride make them roam their territory like a predator, kicking others down when they try to steal the show (or your ex-girlfriend, Jessica).

  • Jerry Smith on Random 'Rick And Morty' Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#2) Jerry Smith

    • Rick and Morty

    Stubborn is the middle name of everyone born under the zodiac sign of Taurus - and it might as well be Jerry Smith's, too. Jerry is somehow both lackadaisical and adamant about being a provider (even though he can't hold a job). He finds himself entertaining a constant inner battle between his inherent laziness and his overwhelming drive to dedicate himself to something, like proving that Pluto is in fact a planet.

    Although Jerry fits the description of Taurus's overindulgent and lazy nature, he also shares the sign's supportive and caring qualities. His deadbeat attitude might not make him the best father all the time, but he perseveres in his relationships and cherishes his family.

  • Beth Smith on Random 'Rick And Morty' Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#1) Beth Smith

    • Rick and Morty

    The first sign of the zodiac, Aries shares the same hot-headed attitude and stubborn personality as Beth Smith. Beth is the bossy head of the Smith household, and she sports a very apparent superiority complex - she is a horse surgeon, after all. At her best, she's energetic and independent, but at her worst, she's wildly impulsive and insecure.

    Both Beth and Aries believe they're on top of the world, and they won't hesitate to assert their dominance. Even though they can be a self-centered whirlwind of aggression, they care deeply about their friends and family.

  • Mr. Goldenfold on Random 'Rick And Morty' Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    (#3) Mr. Goldenfold

    • Rick and Morty

    Natural-born intellectuals, Geminis are rulers of communication and ingenuity. Seen as a sign with a split personality, a Gemini can be charming and intellectual at one moment, then distracted and reckless the next. Morty's math teacher, Mr. Goldenfold, might just be a public school teacher on the surface, but outside the classroom, he exposes his true Gemini nature.

    When Rick and Morty dive into his mind and roam around in Mr. Goldenfold's dreams, his vivid imagination and adventurous thought process really shows. As a Gemini, spontaneous and colorful ideas come naturally.

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About This Tool

Rick and Morty is an American Adult SCI-FI sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for the late-night cartoon network show Adult Swim. Following in the footsteps of Mad Scientist Rick Sánchez and his impressionable grandson, Mottus Smith, the series follows the fantastical adventures of their domestic family life and cross-dimensional adventures. Roiland voices both of them, while Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, and Sarah Chalke speak for the rest of the family.

According to different constellation characteristics, this random generation tool collates 12 items, the different constellation can match different Rick And Morty characters, which is very interesting and funny.

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