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  • Their Poop Makes Amazing Fertilizer on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#15) Their Poop Makes Amazing Fertilizer

    Farmers frequently use dung from chickens, cows, or other animals to encourage their crops to grow. Bat poop, though, might be the best fertilizer of all. Bat guano improves soil texture, and has microbes that help encourage plant growth. It also contains large volumes of nitrogen, which promotes rapid, steady growth in plants.

  • They Are The Only Mammals That Fly on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#1) They Are The Only Mammals That Fly

    You may have heard of flying squirrels, sugar gliders, or maybe even the colugo before - they're all referred to as flying mammals. This is a misnomer, as all of those animals glide rather than actually fly. The only flying mammal in the world is the bat. Like birds, they use their wings to push air down and their body up, and are thereby able to take to the air.

    Bats are agile, too. They can turn, rise in altitude, and even hover briefly in midair. They use that flying ability to catch prey, escape predators, and move around freely.

  • They Have Insane Metabolisms on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#13) They Have Insane Metabolisms

    Bats have lightning-quick metabolisms. Fruit bats can digest and metabolize fruits like mangos and bananas in under twenty minutes. Vampire bats consume twice their weight per day to keep up with their metabolism. Insect eating bats eat thousands of insects in a night, the equivalent of their own body weight.

  • They'll Probably Outlive Your Pet on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#17) They'll Probably Outlive Your Pet

    Most small mammals have fairly short lifespans of a few years, or maybe a decade if they're lucky. Bats, however, live for an average of twenty years, and some species live even longer. The little brown bat, for instance, has the longest lifespan among bats - thirty years or more.

  • They Help Plants Grow on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#7) They Help Plants Grow

    Bats who drink nectar pollinate plants and help future fruit grow, and their poop helps nourish the soil. But bats' relationship with plants goes even farther than that. When a bat eats fruit, it ingests the seeds, which it then carries to new areas. When the bat passes the seed, the plant population spreads. In fact, certain fruit seeds will not grow unless they have been passed through the gut of a bat.

  • They Hunt "Big" Game on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#10) They Hunt "Big" Game

    Most bats aren't carnivorous, but some types hunt down and eat meat, like fish, crustaceans, frogs, and even rodents. One such bat, the Mexican fishing bat, will even dive towards the water and snag fish. Its powerful wings let it carry its lunch to a quiet place to enjoy.

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Due to the harsh living environment in the wild nature, wild animals generally carry viruses. It is well known that bats are the only mammals capable of flying in nature, and they carry hundreds of viruses, such as the scary SRSA virus. This is also an important reason why humans hate and fear bats so much. Bats have existed on the earth for millions of years, and are one of the most widely distributed and most evolved mammalian groups in the world.

Bats play an important role in nature and are an indispensable part of the food chain. Although bats are beneficial to human society, they are still terrifying wild animals. The random tool explained 17 reasons why bats are scary.

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