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  • (#8) Growth Spurts Might Be A Sign

    From Redditor /u/CrustyHamSandwich:

    I was much taller than my family. They're all around 5'5", but I was 6'5" by high school. We always joked I was a freak or won the genetic lottery.

    I went to my father's doctor for a physical. He noticed the swelling in my hands and ran a blood test. Turns out my growth hormone levels were about three times the normal amount. I was diagnosed with acromegaly.

    Got an MRI which showed I had a tumor on my pituitary gland. Got it removed and was feeling better after a few years.

  • (#16) A Hand Spasm Became A Seizure

    From Redditor /u/SeaBeeDecodesLife:

    Not me, but my childhood best friend. She had this thing where her hand would spasm. It was kind of like a hand tremor. I just assumed it was a tic, since I have a similar one (knee bouncing up and down) when I get nervous. Once, when I asked her about it, she said she had pins and needles, so I also considered that she might just be shaking it off (even though the tremors were obviously an involuntary movement).

    That's really all there was. There were no other symptoms. She was fine for a really long time and then suddenly she just rapidly declined within the space of 24 hours.

    We were in class when she went down and started seizing. Just as quick as she'd gone down, she was awake again and fine. My teacher took her to the nurse, and the nurse called her parents. I've had to work hard to try and not be angry at the fact her parents chose to take her home that night instead of taking her straight to the emergency room. She had a headache, so they gave her ibuprofen and put her to bed. She died sometime in the night of an undiagnosed brain tumor.

    Often, brain tumors are misdiagnosed as psychiatric issues. So if you notice a rapid decline in your mental health/stability without any clear reason, or even with a reason, get a scan done.

  • (#24) A New Twitch

    From Redditor /u/brom_ance:

    Five years ago my mother noticed her pinkie would twitch. She was a truck driver at the time and didn't want anything interfering with her income, so she ignored it. Fast-forward to three weeks ago. Completely bedridden, spasms, weakness, unable to walk, eat, use bathroom without assistance. Multiple system atrophy, P-type. Looks like Parkinson's, but quicker symptom onset and much shorter lifespan. She'll be gone in five-ish years.

    Please, if something isn't right, get it checked.

  • (#5) More Than Just Bad Cramps

    From Redditor /u/my_random_thots:

    Increasingly painful periods and nasty PMS symptoms in general. Family doctor attributed the change to age and just wouldn't take it seriously.

    After a year of complaints, the doctor prescribed birth control pills, which did nothing.

    After two years I finally lost it and cried in her office. The cramps had gone from "hmm... this is a bit more than usual" to full-on WTF, 8/10, white-knuckle, puking-level pain. I asked to please, please be referred to an OB-GYN.

    When the gynecologist examined me, he also did an ultrasound in the office. He took one look at the screen, told me I could dress and he'd be right back. When he returned, he was carrying his surgery bookings schedule.

    A few weeks later I had a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy (tubes out).

    It would usually take up to a year to book that surgery, but he said he absolutely had to find me a spot. He was horrified I hadn't been seen much sooner and described my uterus as "more tumor than healthy tissue; it looks more like a raspberry than a pear."

    Fortunately it was just benign fibroids, but it taught me a lesson: IF SOMETHING HURTS, GET HELP! Yell if you have to.

  • (#9) Poor Baby

    From Redditor /u/Voltusfive2:

    My 2-year-old daughter would lie on her left side on the floor randomly during the day, walked with a wide step, and finally had multiple diagnoses for constipation. She had abdominal embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.

    After 54 weeks of chemotherapy, an unimaginable medical hell, she is 4 and almost a year into remission. She's hard to keep up with, and it's like she's discovering everything pain-free for the first time.

  • (#10) Just Some Light Spotting

    From Redditor /u/mk_skully:

    My Mum had some light (like one or two drops, three times a year) spotting. For context, she was well past menopause. She mentioned it to her GP, and he sent her for a test. It was uterine cancer.

    Caught it at stage 1 before it spread, so she was able to have a hysterectomy without needing chemo or radiation therapy. Thank Christ her seemingly small and insignificant symptom was checked out.

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About This Tool

The pace of modern life has become faster, people’s life pressures have gradually increased, and news of sudden deaths are not uncommon. According to relevant health statistics reports, more than 1000,000 people in the world suffer from sudden cardiac death each year, this number is much larger than the number of deaths caused by suicide, traffic accidents, and leukemia. Although many diseases have obvious symptoms, many chronic or underlying diseases only occur after a long period of an unhealthy lifestyle. 

However, the body sends out warning signs before the onset of almost all diseases, and the cause of rapid deterioration is that the signals are ignored. The random tool shares 25 important warning signs shared by people with health issues, their experiences tell all people should not ignore any health signs. 

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