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  • (#4) Their Friends Never Actually Spoke To Them

    From Redditor /u/SkyBlueHyacinth:

    I was sitting at the lunch table with them and they were talking. It then dawned on me that they never talked to me during lunch or reached out to me during break. I was basically following them around like a stupid lost puppy all the time while they couldn’t care less.

  • (#12) Their Friends Wouldn't Be Excited When They Showed Up To Events

    From Redditor /u/3FE001:

    When I would show up to public places, like my apartment pool or nearby bars and see my "friends". They would be hardly excited and feign interest in what I was up to at the time. Oh and they'd act like I was invited but showed up late. Not the case and it hurt.

  • (#9) When Their Friend And Roommate Suddenly Told Them To Move Out

    From Redditor /u/KatanaAmerica:

    When the girl who I thought was my closest friend sent me a text message at 10pm out of the blue telling me to move out because she thought I didn't fit in and made her and her friends uncomfortable. Best part? We were in a foreign country, so without her + the group, I was completely alone.

    I later found out that the girl had a terrible reputation in her hometown + a bunch of people hated her so it actually wasn't me.

  • (#3) Their Friends Never Visited Them In The Hospital

    From Redditor /u/ElPolloDiablo07:

    Got pretty sick and was in the hospital for a week. Not one of my friends in a small group (of supposedly close friends) reached out to see if I was getting better. They never visited, didn't even so much as get a text from them. We hung out almost daily for the past two years and they knew I was in the hospital.

    When I finally got better I decided it was time to get some new friends.

  • (#1) Their Friends Had Nothing Nice To Say About Them

    From Redditor /u/buttwiped:

    Went to a sleepover when I was about 12-13 y/o. It was for my best friends birthday. They said “let’s sit in a circle and list our favorite things about each other!” sounded wholesome, so I sat in the circle. When my turn came around, everyone in the circle had nothing positive to say about me. “buttwiped, you’re actually really annoying and we don’t like you”.... my best friend looked sad for me but didn’t say anything... damn kids are mean.

  • (#15) They Didn't Get A Going Away Party At Work

    From Redditor /u/sarasa3:

    I didn't get the little going away party at work. It's a silly thing, but it was a close, friendly workplace and when people would quit they'd set up cheap little themed decorations from the office printer and add some other funny stuff about the person that was leaving. I brought a cake and it was fine and I know my coworkers didn't dislike me, but I guess everyone sort of forgot about me because I'm not the most expressive person. I was sad I never got my themed decorations. I worked there for two years.

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