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  • Immurement Did Not Necessarily Mean Death - Unless They Forgot About Leaving You There on Random Historical Immurement: People Who Were Bricked Up Or Buried Alive

    (#1) Immurement Did Not Necessarily Mean Death - Unless They Forgot About Leaving You There

    Many cases involving immurement were doled out to intentionally serve as very slow death penalties. However, immurement could also be a temporary condition which was used in one of two ways: as a form of punishment or by choice for a given length of time. The medieval Christian church used temporary immurement as a method to punish sinners, particularly those who committed sins of the flesh. Such individuals were locked away deep in a monastery or bricked up inside of rooms with a tiny opening for food and water for months or even years.

    Centuries later, this type of immurement was still being used, but as a form of punishment. A good example comes from the unfortunate end of James Hepburn, third husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, who was accused of treason. After fleeing Scotland, he was apprehended in Denmark where he was imprisoned beneath Dragsholm Castle. He was put in a hole that was not large enough for him to stand in and subsisted off of food scraps in total darkness.

    Danish authorities more or less forgot about Hepburn, and he remained in his hole for five years. When he was finally found, he acted like a feral animal. Hepburn did not use language, but instead only grunted and paced back and forth. He died shortly after.

    Some cases of immurement had willing participants. Christian monks and nuns participated in immurement as a spiritual experience. They would choose the method, location, and length of time involved. 

  • Slaves And Family Members Were Sacrificially Immured on Random Historical Immurement: People Who Were Bricked Up Or Buried Alive

    (#7) Slaves And Family Members Were Sacrificially Immured

    The burial of a great Mongol Khan included the ritual killings of more than 100 members of his family, followed by his interment and the immurement of several favorite slaves.

    He kindly remembered to request that the enslaved people be buried with several vessels of drink. 

  • Writers Have Used Fictional Immurement To Enhance Stories on Random Historical Immurement: People Who Were Bricked Up Or Buried Alive

    (#9) Writers Have Used Fictional Immurement To Enhance Stories

    It's well known that the human mind and creativity are boundless, so it's no surprise that writers have used fictional examples of immurement to make their stories more exciting and frightening. The Ancient Greek playwright Sophocles is one of the first to use immurement in fiction. His heroine, Antigone, and her lover are imprisoned in a cave with the opening bricked shut. They eventually killed themselves, so their immurement was tragic but brief.

    Dante certainly could not resist using immurement in his Divine Comedy. In Inferno's ninth circle, the father of the Italian language has one of his greatest enemies and his two sons immured in a tower. British Romantic author Walter Scott delights in the immurement of an unchaste nun in his poem, "Marmion." He writes, "And now the blind old abbot rose, To speak the chapter's doom. On those the wall was to enclose, Alive, within the tomb."

    Edgar Allan Poe relies on immurement several times in his work, including the immurement of a protagonist's enemy beneath the floor of a palazzo. In Poe's "The Black Cat," the narrator's pet cat accidentally suffers immurement but is discovered and rescued. The cat's rescue leads to the discovery of the body of the narrator's wife since the cat was walled in with it after the murder. 

  • King Richard II Of England Was Bricked Up on Random Historical Immurement: People Who Were Bricked Up Or Buried Alive

    (#6) King Richard II Of England Was Bricked Up

    King Richard II of England ruled during the age in which Geoffrey Chaucer wrote his famous Canterbury Tales. It was a time of chivalry and Richard's court was considered one of beauty and fashion. He was so interested in beauty, art, and culture that he lost track of political situations in his country.

    Richard was deposed by a powerful rival. Having lost his crown, he was sent off to a castle where he presumably starved to death. Apparently, his murderers felt immurement was the best method to rid themselves of the former king since starvation would not show any marks or damage to the body. 

  • The Perfect Punishment For Lustful Vestal Virgins on Random Historical Immurement: People Who Were Bricked Up Or Buried Alive

    (#2) The Perfect Punishment For Lustful Vestal Virgins

    Ancient Roman religion was taken seriously by its leaders, practitioners, and even the secular government. As with most societies, there was also an ongoing concern over the chastity of women and how a woman's natural lust was overwhelming and thus, had to be controlled. Vestal Virgins, or female temple priestesses of the goddess Vesta, were held to a particularly high standard of conduct. All took a solemn vow of chastity.

    However, the priestesses were human and sometimes faltered. This was not a problem unless their lustful activities were discovered. On such occasions, a guilty priestess received capital punishment. This most often took the form of permanent immurement.

    The Vestal Virgin would be stripped, beaten, dressed in the clothing of a corpse, and then placed in a catacomb or cave. Typically, she would be locked or bricked away with a small supply of food, water, and candles or lamps. When the supplies ran out, the Vestal Virgin would die a slow agonizing death. 

  • Bodies Trapped In A Wall For Entertainment Purposes on Random Historical Immurement: People Who Were Bricked Up Or Buried Alive

    (#5) Bodies Trapped In A Wall For Entertainment Purposes

    Jazzar Pasha was a notorious 18th-century governor of Lebanon and Palestine. He was known for committing unspeakable cruelties to anyone who angered him.

    At some point during his rule, he decided to build a new wall around the city of Beirut. And not just any wall - he wanted a structure that was strong, decorative, and entertaining. To that end, he captured a great many Greek Christians and had them essentially built into the wall.


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About This Tool

Burial alive is a commonly used punishment in wars and is generally used for mass killings. There is no doubt that being buried alive or bricked up is one of the most painful and terrifying disasters so far. The suffering is that it allows the victim to clearly feel the process of the death, asphyxiation and hypoxia are more painful than other punishments. Those who have deep thoughts about history will never deny that these cruel 

punishments have occurred frequently in human history. 

History is full of terrible stories of people being bricked up or buried alive, and even some religious ceremonies or ancient customs regard these ways as sacred. The random tool shares 11 stories of people who bricked up or buried alive in history.

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