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  • With Great Power, There Must Come Great Responsibility - Get It Right on Random Funniest Moments from Spider-Man Comics

    (#11) With Great Power, There Must Come Great Responsibility - Get It Right

    Can you believe that all Miles Morales had to do to earn the respect of Peter Parker and the rest of The Avengers was single-handedly defeat Blackheart? That kid has it too easy. Thanks to having two different Spider-Men in this comic, there are so many jokes and that they need to be split up into different categories.

    Pretty much everything that Peter and Miles say is hilarious, but the moment when Parker essentially breaks the fourth wall to correct everyone whose been misquoting his uncle Ben for the last few years has to be the best of this joke cavalcade. 

  • The Oddest Man Ever on Random Funniest Moments from Spider-Man Comics

    (#5) The Oddest Man Ever

    There's a lot going on in the New Avengers storyline "Siege," but to try and put it succinctly: Norman Osbourne, Loki, and the Sentry want to take over Asgard (which is floating over Oklahoma), while also rebuilding Osbourne's public persona as a helpful billionaire. While most of the Avengers are fighting the Sentry and Norman above the panhandle state, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are staking out Osbourne's office and bantering away like crazy.

    Spider-Man, being the dork he is, delivers most of his lines like he's at a renaissance faire, and Spider-Woman takes it about as well as any woman would.  

  • Why So Serious? on Random Funniest Moments from Spider-Man Comics

    (#4) Why So Serious?

    When did Spider-Man start breaking the fourth wall like fellow Marvel hero, Deadpool? Honestly, this panel from Runaways #11 raises so many questions about the Marvel Universe. Why are there superhero movies in a world where there are already superheroes? Are there comic books? Does Peter Parker identify with Batman because his parents are also dead?  

  • He Cannot Speak English Good Like We Do on Random Funniest Moments from Spider-Man Comics

    (#13) He Cannot Speak English Good Like We Do

    In the '80s, Spider-Man was drafted to help defeat the Juggernaut and save Madam Web (who was in a coma at the time), and even though the spirit is willing, Parker's flesh is weak. Or weaker than Juggernaut's. At least the webhead managed to get some great grammar jokes out. The two comics where Spidey brawls with Juggernaut, Amazing Spider-Man #229 and #230, can be pricey, but if you want to read the story it exists in a hardcover collection of Spider-Man stories from the '80s. 

  • It's Just a Kiss on Random Funniest Moments from Spider-Man Comics

    (#14) It's Just a Kiss

    One variant cover to rule them all. One variant cover to find them. One variant cover to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. But seriously folks, how was this not the main cover of Spidey and the merc with a mouth's 2016 outing? One of the coolest things about all of the covers in this series are the constantly changing logos that act as one more comedic device in the gang's arsenal. 

  • Dylan Would Have a Problem With This on Random Funniest Moments from Spider-Man Comics

    (#10) Dylan Would Have a Problem With This

    Even though these panels come from Avenging Spider-Man #7, it still feels like classic Spidey. Isn't it great when you can open literally any issue of your favorite comic and expect that your favorite character is going to be as buoyant and silly as ever? This comic also hammers home the concept that even though Spider-Man might be the hardest working superhero in New York, he's still a bit of a pariah on the powered protagonist scene.

    It also introduces a completely new type of fetish thanks to She-Hulk growing a cat tail. 

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