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  • Michael Bay - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on Random Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies

    (#5) Michael Bay - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    Michael Bay is such a big director that he never has to explain any of his films. Even if they're awful (which most of them are), the movies still often rake in over a billion dollars apiece, so who cares? In 2011, Bay went on record to say that the second Tranformers movie, Revenge of the Fallen, "was crap." He places most of the blame on the writers strike that took place prior to the shooting of the film. 
  • Tony Kaye - American History X on Random Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies

    (#4) Tony Kaye - American History X

    The making of American History X has more twists and turns that your average Hollywood film. Although it began as Kaye's first directorial feature, after he began to cut the film down to a bare-bones 87 minutes, the film's producers suggested that he work with the film's star, Edward Norton, to beef the film back up. Kaye balked, then he brought in a priest, a rabbi, and a Tibetan monk in to the office of New Line’s president, elaborately asking for an extension on editing his cut of the film. The president said no, that they were going to release the version he and Norton put together. After the film was released, Kaye tried to get his name scratched from the film, but the Directors Guild said no dice. 
  • Mathieu Kassovitz - Babylon A.D. on Random Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies

    (#15) Mathieu Kassovitz - Babylon A.D.

    Anyone who's had the distinct pleasure of seeing Babylon A.D. will know that the Vin Diesel-starring scifi stinker is a big mess. According to some, Mathieu Kassovitz (the film's director) was an egomaniac who was unprofessional for ducking out of promotional duties. But Kassovitz insists that the film that could have been was gummed up by Fox and their lawyers. If you're looking for an out, it's always safe to blame the lawyers. 
  • David Lynch - Dune on Random Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies

    (#7) David Lynch - Dune

    David Lynch is a weirdo cinematic visionary, so it makes sense that the one film in his oeuvre that he distances himself from is Dune, the adaptation of Frank Herbert's literary sic-fi classic.Lynch rarely speaks about the film, but he has mentioned that he wasn't given final cut of the film, an early mainstream effort from a notorious oddball. His lack of creative control on Dune probably has something to do with its expulsion from his canon. When the studio cobbled together a extra hour of cut footage to assemble an 'extended cut,' Lynch asked that they change his screenwriting credit to the pseudonym "Judas Booth" - an amalgam of Judas Iscariot and John Wilkes Booth - to signify his feelings towards what he believed was the studio's 'betrayal.'

  • Jerry Lewis - The Day The Clown Cried on Random Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies

    (#13) Jerry Lewis - The Day The Clown Cried

    Jerry Lewis's single unreleased film is about a German clown who's sent to work in Auschwitz where he leads children to their deaths in the gas chamber. It should come as no surprise that the infamous movie never made it past the rough cut. Until recently, Lewis never planned to release the film, considering it a massive embarrassment and a complete miscalculation.  The only surviving print of the film has been given to the Library of Congress. Fear not, film fans: The Day The Clown Cried will finally have a very small release in 2025. 
  • Steven Spielberg - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on Random Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies

    (#2) Steven Spielberg - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

    Remembered by many children of the '80s as the Indiana Jones movie that made them fear for the well-being of their beating hearts, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is still a rare black mark on Steven Spielberg's resume, according to the director. The dark tone of the film is attributed to the nasty breakups that Spielberg and his producing partner George Lucas were going through at the time; Lucas and his wife Marcia Griffin divorced, and Spielberg and his girlfriend Kathleen Carey split after three years.

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A good script can make the movie exude charm from the inside out, and a good director can make the movie have great attention even before the production. It’s no surprise that unknown directors make bad films, but good directors release bad works that will get a lot of attention and comments. Even the most original and talented directors may do not like their own works. For them, the film may be just a tool or way of thinking and research.

Directing great movies is never easy for anyone. This page displays 15 entries, we collected some directors who hated their own movies. Check the collection on this page and you may watch some of them. 

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