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  • (#24) The Ghost In His Underwear

    From Redditor /u/Clowns_Sniffing_Glue:

    A few years back I was interning at a big business hotel. That means that during the day it's mostly empty while all the guests are on about doing their businessy stuff. At this particular instance, I had to go into one of the executive suites and check if the housekeepers did their jobs, if the special requests were met, leave newspapers, blah blah blah.

    So, I knock ferociously on the door because the suite is big and with many rooms, yell "housekeeping!" crack the door and yell "housekeeping!" again, even though I know the occupants have left the hotel for the day.

    When I opened the door, I had a straight line of sight from the entrance, to the living room, to the person who specially moved one of the very heavy-set armchairs so it's the only thing I see and it's facing right in my direction. Said gentleman, sitting in the chair, dressed in his graying (and going transparent) tighty-whities, resting his hands on the sides and with spread legs.

    My favorite part was that he didn't break eye contact with me and was moving his mouth like talking, but there were no words coming out. I froze out of shock, so this went on for more than five seconds.

    Right after, I kind of peed my tights, said "excuse me" in three languages at the same time, and ran off. I spent the rest of the day stalking that apartment, the guy never came out.

    I know there is a logical explanation for this but it was oh so so so creepy.


  • (#20) Mysterious Guest

    From Redditor /u/godisasquid:

    I work front desk. About an hour after checking a guest in, she came back downstairs asking to be moved. She happened to be in a room that connected to another room. After getting settled in, she said she started to hear noises coming from the other room which weren't a concern until the other people tried to open her connecting door from their side. The gap between her door and the door frame was just wide enough to see just a sliver into the other room, so when she went over to tell the other person to stop, curiosity got the best of her and she peeked through and saw a man staring at her from the other side. She told him to cut it out and he just stood there at the door, trying the handle every once in a while.

    Not wanting to deal with it anymore, she came down and asked to be moved away from this creepy dude. Understandable.

    So I check the computer and notice that there is no guest registered in that room, so either someone at the desk goofed and didn't complete the check in, or someone is in the hotel that shouldn't be. No one answered when I called the room, so I sent security up. He called from the room saying that no one was in there.

    Our engineer happened to be at the front desk when I was discussing all this with another agent and he mentioned that he had to go into that room to fix something. Mystery solved, he was in there fixing the door, making a racket and spooking this poor woman. Except he was never able to get into the room because the door lock wasn't working, even with his master keycard (no idea why it started working again for Security).

    Over the course of the night nothing else happened and no mystery man was ever found. The guest was a regular so I didn't think she was screwing with us, although I'm sure she could have just seen something in the shadows or whatever. Still pretty creepy at the time.


  • (#14) The Holiday Inn

    From a former Redditor:

    I worked at a Holiday Inn years ago and only can recall a few weird cases.  

    One was that every now and then we would get complaints that a young girl was screaming in the pool area. When checking it out, you would find that nobody was around... Management reported that a young girl drowned in the pool years earlier.  

    One night, I was working the front desk and received a call from a room complaining that the room above them was stomping around and being noisy. Nobody was checked into that room and nobody was there when I checked it out... Guess a wife killed her husband in the room. Also, after the murder, the room was turned into storage, and despite it being empty, the front desk would get random calls from that room.  

    I'm sure all of it is explainable, but sh*t was weird to me.


  • (#15) Moving Coat

    From Redditor /u/frabbo:

    Not me, but my cousin worked in a pretty popular hotel in New York City. There was a particular room that was always unoccupied and the hotel workers would use it to take naps.

    My cousin threw her coat on a chair that was facing the window and took a nap in the bed. She said she felt the weight of someone getting into the bed and she immediately sat up. There was no one in sight, but her coat was now on the bed and the chair that had been facing the window was facing the bed. Could've easily been her co-worker creeping but still spooky.

  • (#17) A Sad Tale

    From Redditor /u/RuskiLeader:

    I worked at a hotel for about a year. It was usually pretty good. Some people would stay at the hotel for weeks or a month at a time for business reasons. But there was this one old lady that had been there even before I started working, that just stayed in her room all day, occasionally leaving to go down the hill and pick berries or something along the street. Maybe get food or other supplies. Idk. She really wasn't a problem other than not letting people into her room. 

    About January of 2015, she started acting weird. Like yelling at people walking by her room, calling down to the front desk and being angry about things that had never happened. This goes on for about a week and then she just goes off the deep end. She starts standing outside of her room, yelling at people that entered her sight, no matter how far away they were. She would call down to the front desk, but now she would say eerily creepy things like, "You shouldn't have done that. You'll be sorry for that. I can find you." And then she'd hang up. 

    Eventually, after about two weeks, we forcibly ejected her after her credit card declined. She threw a fit and had to be removed off the premises by her son. Let me tell you, going into that room was like entering hell. Stains all over the carpet, blood and feces spread across the walls in the bathroom, blood on the mattresses, empty cans everywhere, jarred foods that stank to high heaven, boxes sealed shut, some with black ooze dripping out of them. Light bulbs stacked in the corner, all in perfect condition but not used in the lights. It was horrible. 

    Found out she went off the deep end because she had been denied her pills for some kind of mental thing.


  • (#7) The Rippling Carpet

    From Redditor /u/Vicerine:

    Before I was born, my parents decided to move to the coast and open their own little seaside hotel. The first thing to [did] when they moved in was to clean all the rooms, so they took half each to speed things up. My mum told me this story when I was little:

    She was in room #8 doing some vacuuming when the whole carpet started "rippling." When I was little, I didn't think this sounded scary at all, as I just thought that maybe the carpet had got caught on the vacuum or something, and so I never really thought about it again.

    Fast-forward to about a month ago: I remembered this old story and made fun of my mum a bit for thinking it was creepy, when it was obviously explainable. She looked confused and told me I must have not understood her when I was little.

    Apparently, what had actually happened was that the entire carpet had rippled in a constant fluid wave-type motion, and all the furniture AND HERSELF had been lifted up and down off of the floor for about 10 seconds. She then screamed bloody murder at my dad down the hallway and told him they were selling the place before it had even opened. He managed to convince her otherwise, but she never went back in that room. 

    It scares me more because my mum doesn't believe in the supernatural or anything like that, and she doesn't have any other creepy stories at all, just this one that she doesn't like to talk about often.


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