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  • (#22) Horror Movies Lie

    From Redditor u/cutearmy:

    Cornfields and woods are not scary!

    Your way more likely to get stabbed or shot in a city.

    It’s also possible to have guns and never shoot a living thing. I only shot at old TVs computers and targets.

  • (#9) Children At Play

    From Redditor u/cbinette84:

    Letting my kids just go outside and play. Ride their bikes down the street, go into the woods out back and explore. But more importantly just feel generally secure about their safety doing these things.

  • (#21) Small Towns Are Small

    From Redditor u/cats-and-cucumbers:

    How small it really is.

    When I graduated in 2014, my class was 14 people. And we were one of the largest grades at the school, the grade below only had 6 people, the grade above me only had 4. I originally grew up in a hamlet, population 20 people and then moved to a village where I went to school, roughly 300 people.

    We have one bar, one grocery store that closes at 6pm, a carwash, a bank(in the neighboring villager 15 minutes away) post office and school in town. Everyone else is either oilfield workers or farmers.

    And it’s f***ing boring, for fun in the summers we used to bike down the highway for hours to no where and then turn around and bike home.

  • (#5) Don't Ignore It

    From Redditor u/yelofoley:

    When a road sign says Last Gas for however many kilometers

    It means it

  • (#27) Tinder Radius 25 Miles

    From Redditor u/yeetmesomejuice:

    Driving to the next town over with your friends for something to do, after-prom being a beer-filled bonfire party, your Tinder options are guaranteed to only be white boys in Bass Pro hats holding fish.

  • (#26) Chickens Be Crazy

    From Redditor u/ZiggoCiP:

    Chickens. They're a lot more animal than I think people realize. They eat almost anything organic, so their enclosures are barren. If you free range em - they will eat your garden, even buried stuff like potatoes.

    Also they will both produce almost no eggs, then when you get 4-5, they will produce all the eggs. Like so many you'll start giving them away.

    And animals love chicken. Hawks, coyotes, foxes, dogs, even damn raccoons get brave for some chicken.

    Oh yeah - roosters. They totally sometimes call at 5am. Also they're mean suckers, and have large talons on their feet called spurs which are basically little chicken daggers for defense.

    Oh, and eggs come from the same hole they poop from. Eggs almost always have poo on them.

    I've loved raising chickens, but damn would I never want someone who isn't use to it to try. They're pretty gross at times, not at all intelligent animals, and tend to fight themselves when they aren't be predated by animals you'd never consider a threat.

    They can be kind of affectionate though.

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About This Tool

 Country folk is a kind of popular music with American national characteristics. It emerged in the southern United States in the 1920s and is a representative of American white folk music. Country music is characterized by simple tunes, stable rhythm, narrative, strong American rural cultural characteristics, cordial and enthusiastic without losing popular elements.

Country folk has become one of the most favorite genres for country people. The content of the song not only shows country life but wandering life, warm and peaceful homeland, sweet love can all be the themes of country music. There are random 29 city folks that city folk will never understand. Welcome to enjoy the beautiful songs. 

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