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    The Beast

    The Beast

    [ranking: 1]
    From Redditor /u/moonpilot:
    There was a story on here a while back by a trucker who shared his creepiest experience while out on the road. It was getting very late (and very dark) so he pulled into a rest area off the highway in the middle of nowhere. The place was totally empty, meaning there weren't any other vehicles or people there. While he was getting some shut eye inside his truck, he heard a faint sound of a barking dog that seemed to get louder and louder as time went by. Eventually the nasty barking sound was coming from right outside his driver side door. As he got up to look in the window, he didn't see a rabid dog but instead it was some crazy-eyed person looking directly at him, growling and trying to get in. He started the engine and got the heck out of there.

    Punchlines Don't Take Away From The Creepy

    Punchlines Don't Take Away From The Creepy

    [ranking: 9]
    From Redditor /u/hardspank916:
    I was driving for Costco a few years back. It was around this time of year. We usually took extra toy shipments to various locations due to the holiday season. We got a call that one of our locations in rural Kentucky needed to restock their giant Spiderman dolls. They knew I was a fast driver so I was giving the last minute late night duty. I loaded my truck and headed out on the 265. It was around 3Am when I started to have this eery feeling. I chalked it up to just being tired and popped a couple of nodoze. About 15 min later the road started to fog up. I mean more so than any other time before or since. It got to the point where I had to pull off to the side and wait. There wasn't any other cars on the road and I was ahead of time so I figured I could wait until it cleared up a bit. About 5 minutes of sitting still in silence my truck goes dead. No lights, no engine, nothing... I try my CB but cannot get anyone on. I check my cell phone and there is no signal. As I'm sitting there contemplating my next move I hear what sounds like a child crying. It slowly morphed into a woman crying. Or at least that what it sounded like to me. Now I'm a big man, 6'3, 250 pounds but I refused to exit my cab. I did [roll] down my window and asked if anybody needed help. At that point the crying stopped. Then I heard what sounded like a sinister laugh. At that point I felt like the laughter was directed at me. I [rolled] up my window and it seemed like the more scared I became the louder the laugh went. Then as soon as it started it stopped. And just like that my truck started back up and the fog dissipated. I drove out of there like a bat out of hell. I get to the next truck stop and pull in. I run to the bathroom and pour water on my face and ask myself "did that really just happen?". I go out to the diner and see this fella in a John Deer hat, red flanner, and blue jeans. I needed to know if anyone else experienced that too. I go up to him and say "Excuse me, are you a fellow trucker cause I just had one hell of an experience." He says "Not a trucker, but...."

    Lost Time

    Lost Time

    [ranking: 7]
    From a former Redditor:
    New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah are some states that to this day, I still see sh*t in the skies that I can't explain. Lights rapidly changing direction and taking off at blinding speeds, but no sound barrier being broken. I've seen lights hovering over the desert several miles off the interstate, then it suddenly takes off and the lights cut out. Various shapes and sizes from what I can make out (again, night driver). I know military aircraft pretty well, and some of them more than likely were, but some of them absolutely can not be any military air craft currently in mainstream use. Conventional aircraft do not move like that. The most vivid one would be at an off ramp in New Mexico, I stopped to take a [pee]. And decided to turn it into a 15 minute break since my [butt] was sore anyway. As I'm stargazing and admiring how clear the sky is, I saw what looked like a formation of lights in the shape of a triangle lift off from the desert floor, and then take off into the sky. I kept me eyes on it, and it just kept gaining altitude until the lights just disappeared. I look down at my watch and notice it's not ticking, so I pull out my phone and it's off. I turn my phone on, and according to the time on my phone, it had been 5 minutes since my watch stopped. I felt like whatever it was that just took off had something to do with it.

    I Know

    I Know

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor /u/Bear_Like:
    Was driving north through the mountains of Colorado towards Pueblo, and it was my first time dealing with anything like the Rocky Mountains so I was taking it nice and slow with my hazards on and in the right lane. This was in the spring, and there wasn't much snow on the ground aside from a light dusting.
    I remember passing another truck pulled to the shoulder on my way up, nothing out of the ordinary. However, as I was heading down the mountain (which can be scary as sh*t in an 18-wheeler, trust me) I saw the same truck I passed earlier FLY by me in the left hand lane. Now being passed on the left going DOWNHILL in the ROCKY MOUNTAINS by another TRACTOR TRAILER is crazy enough, but what really makes this story is this guy's trailer brakes were on fire. He was pulling a load (could tell because the trailer was sealed) and if you know anything about trucks you know there's only so much braking you're supposed to do before they overheat and, worst-case, catch fire.
    This guy's truck looked like a f*cking comet as he sped down the mountain at what I thought was a surely to be deadly pace.
    I grabbed the mic to the radio and called out to him, "Hey Driver! Your brakes are on fire! I mean literally on fire!"
    After a few seconds of static, a rough and weathered sounding voice comes back over the speaker of my radio and says, cool as a cucumber, "I know."
    And he disappeared around a curve.
    I never saw any wrecked truck, emergency crews, or even mention of an accident over the radio.
    I did see a discarded fire extinguisher on the ground at the base of the mountain though.

    Mysterious Fireball

    Mysterious Fireball

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/SIOS:
    Trucker here. A few years back, I was traveling through Ute native land in New Mexico on Highway 491. 491 used to be Route 666, but they changed it a few years back. I think people were stealing the signs. Anyways, I'm in the middle of the desert around midnight, no lights or civilization for miles, when up in the sky there's a huge, orange flash. The orange flash quickly "inflated" into a giant ball, bigger than the sun. It even had a fiery looking texture to it. Suddenly, the orange ball disappeared, and the entire desert sky, horizon to horizon, flashed a bright yellow, lighting up the everything around me like it was daytime. Then everything went back to normal. This all happened within a few seconds, but it was definitely the weirdest thing I've seen on the road.

    The High Desert

    The High Desert

    [ranking: 3]
    From Redditor /u/sh*tterplug:
    Driving from Albuquerque to Socorro. I was on a stretch with no lights. Perfectly dark. I notice someone standing on the side of the road. As I pass him, my lights fully illuminate his face. Nothing about this guy seemed natural. His posture was weird, he was wearing a gray suit... and his face. It just looked 'off', like a mask or something. For about half a second, we lock eyes, even with my headlights blinding him, it still felt like he was looking at me, not my truck. It really creeped me the f*ck out. Shortly after this, my CB started picking up some odd chirps, but I was pretty close to the VLA.
    The high desert is a weird place.


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About Random Truckers Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Seen

It's an exciting tool for displaying random truckers describe the creepiest thing they've seen. We collected a list of "Random Truckers Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Seen" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random truckers describe the creepiest thing they've seen shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.
A life on the road, hauling cargo from city to city, can be a lonely one. It can also be dangerous and, sometimes, downright terrifying. Take it from these truckers, who took to Reddit and shared some of their eeriest, most bizarre, and unexplainable experiences while traveling highways all over the world. Here is a compilation of the best of those tales, gathered from two separate discussion threads (here and here).

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