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About Random Things People Love to Talk About

It's an exciting tool for displaying random things people love to talk about. We collected a list of "Random Things People Love to Talk About" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random things people love to talk about shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Enough already! This is a list of things that people love to talk about, no matter how many times you insist that you really don't care. It's time to put your foot down. (Or complain about it anonymously on the Internet, that works too.) CrossFit is a major culprit. If no one ever talked about CrossFit again, would the whole concept simply evaporate into thin air? Seriously, think about it. Have you noticed that half the people you know suddenly have a gluten intolerance that they want to tell you about? What's up with that? 

Here's your chance to get it off your chest. What are some topics that people repeatedly talk about at length that you can't stand? Vote up the most annoying conversation topics and add any that you think should be on this list. Don't forget to explain yourself in the comments section. 

*Apologies if your "thing" is on this list. It's all in good fun. Just add someone else's!  

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