Random Sentences In Spanish | Best Random Tools

Random Sentences In Spanishreport

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  • En muchos casos, no se necesitan más exámenes o pruebas.

    translation: In many cases, no further examination or testing is needed.

  • La próxima vez, tráigame pruebas que apoyen su teoría.

    translation: The next time, bring me evidence that supports your theory.

  • Estas pruebas ayudarán a determinar la causa de la hemorragia.

    translation: These tests will help to determine the cause of the bleeding.

  • En realidad, no tienes pruebas de este así llamado soborno.

    translation: In actuality, you have no proof of this so-called bribery.

  • Los sospechosos fuman todo el tiempo, no guardamos las pruebas.

    translation: Suspects smoke all the time, we don't save the evidence.

  • No hay pruebas y no puedes recordar lo que hiciste.

    translation: There's no evidence and you can't remember what you did.

  • Calcular el porcentaje medio de la serie de cinco pruebas.

    translation: Calculate the average percentage of the series of five tests.

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About Random Sentences In Spanish Tool

On this page, you can get Spanish sentences randomly. We have collected more than 1,200,000Spanish sentences, which contain almost all Spanish words. This page displays 6 sentences randomly by default. You can see the English translation for each Spanish sentence. Using the generator at the top of the page, you can also generate a specified number of sentences containing specified words.

It's a great language tool that can help you learn Spanish, or review words you've learned and how to express sentences. So far we have collected Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian. If you want to add more sentences in other languages, please feel free to contact us.

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