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    A man is eaten by dogs

    A man is eaten by dogs

    [ranking: 1]
    "Surgeon here. Saw hardened trauma nurses leaving an operating room looking grim and a bit green. I went in to see what the fuss was.
    A homeless man was attacked by Rottweilers, incapacitated, and they proceeded to eat all the flesh from both legs and one arm as he lay there helpless.
    Don't ask me how he lived but he survived that and ultimately lived long enough to leave the hospital. I will be haunted by the look of just his leg bones, intact, with no flesh on them (arm was gone). He still had the interosseus tendon holding the tibia to the fibula but otherwise just intact leg bones completely free of flesh. Feet gone of course."

    A cockroach is found somewhere it really shouldn't be

    A cockroach is found somewhere it really shouldn't be

    [ranking: 2]
    "My sister is a Registered Nurse in an ER. On one of her shifts, she got a patient who came in screaming in pain, this woman didn't have a bowel movement for two months.
    My sister examined her and her rectum was wide open, there was a huge hole that you could look into. My sister gave her an enema but the feces stuck in this woman's rectum was rock hard and would not come out. Eventually my sister had to pull it out. After it all came out, my sister looked down and saw a cockroach crawling around in the feces."

    Mother feeds newborn mashed potatoes

    Mother feeds newborn mashed potatoes

    [ranking: 3]
    "We had a mother who fed her newborn baby mashed potatoes two hours after he was born, he died a half hour later because he had aspirated (inhaled) the solid food and couldn't breathe."

    His foot popped off like picking an apple

    His foot popped off like picking an apple

    [ranking: 4]
    "This story is my brothers who is an EMT.
    Ambulance called for a homeless man who complains of severe foot pain. Upon trying to inspect the foot, it comes off, just pulls away like an apple plucked from a tree. Revealing the man's lower leg bones, and a horrendous infection.
    He would survive, but not until he had his leg amputated at the mid thigh."

    Colostomy bag gets infected

    Colostomy bag gets infected

    [ranking: 5]

    "This story will forever haunt me. I recently took care of a woman who was in her mid 40s, paraplegic, and had a colostomy. For those not familiar, a colostomy is a pouch that is attached to your colon from the outside of your body that catches your stool. These are for people that have serious issues with their gastrointestinal tract that require an alternative channel for feces to leave their body. Well this patient was a very sick lady to begin with, but she also had a strange infection originating from her colostomy site. She was to the point of sepsis, which again to simplify, is just not good.
    Turns out, her husband was very seriously addicted to heroin and needed money in the worst way, so he rented his wife out... meaning that people would pay to come over to their house and have sex with his wife in her stoma... the hole from which the feces left her body." 

    A marital spat gets out of hand

    A marital spat gets out of hand

    [ranking: 6]
    "My ex wife's mom was an nurse in a small town hospital. 
    One night, slow as most small town weeknights were, they saw a guy walking up towards the hospital with his hands held up in the air beside his shoulders. Another nurse went to check it out and shortly afterwards came back through in a big hustle, calmly but emphatically suggesting they get a gurney ready.
    Turns out, this dude had been drinking and barbequing in the back yard with his wife. He made some comment or the other to which the wife took offense, so she stabbed him through the neck sideways with the grill fork, told him to f*ck off, and shut herself in the house. He couldn't get inside to call anyone and his wife wouldn't do it for him, so he decided to stumble himself on down to the ER, holding the ends of the fork to keep it from jostling too much."

    Woman claws out own eyeball

    Woman claws out own eyeball

    [ranking: 7]
    "My dad is in nursing school, told me one story where they brought in a mentally disturbed woman who was behaving violently. She kept on flailing about and then started attacking herself. At one point he said she literally clawed out her eyeball.
    It was dangling out of the socket by the optic nerve and everyone tried to restrain her so they could help but one of her arms broke free so she reached up, grabbed her eyeball, and squished it."

    Woman attacked by dogs

    Woman attacked by dogs

    [ranking: 8]
    "But the most disturbing thing I've ever seen was a woman who was quite literally ripped apart by wild dogs. Disturbing because you'd think that sort of thing doesn't happen in the United States in the modern era and yet, it did. She lived in a rural area (but not that far from a major city!), there were wild dogs about and her little lap dog had gotten outside one evening. She heard it barking and went out to see what was going on. It was fighting with some other dogs and she tried to rescue it but ended up getting torn apart.
    I'm still not sure why the paramedics brought her to the ER but we pronounced her dead on arrival."

    Man comes in who "cut [his] private area"

    Man comes in who "cut [his] private area"

    [ranking: 13]
    "I worked the night shift in ER admissions. I have seen lots of craziness in my day but the worst was a schizophrenic man who went off his meds. 
    When he came in he looked normal. There wasn't anything obviously wrong with him. He asked to see a nurse, so I paged triage. The nurse was with a patient but came out to ask him why he needed to see the nurse and he just said, 'I cut my private area.' So she finishes with her patient and comes back for him. When she gets him to the triage room she asked to see the wound. He drops his pants and HIS PENIS WAS GONE. 
    This guy had really no idea what he had done. He didn't bring it in. He didn't even know where it was. He had waited way too long to come to the ER. His penis was found in a cemetery later on. All of the men looked pretty pale."

    Obese woman smothers cat

    Obese woman smothers cat

    [ranking: 14]
    "Paramedics brought in a 500 pound female into the ER. She had passed out and flopped onto her bed so all of her home bed linens came with her. She eventually made it down to the cath lab for a cardiac workup, and either during the procedure or soon afterwards passed away.
    While she being cleaned up in the morgue they find a cat (also expired) in one of her folds; the prevailing theory being that it must have been squished and absorbed when she passed out. The cath lab was renamed cat lab until HR got wind of it."

    Man has chest infection

    Man has chest infection

    [ranking: 15]
    "A gentleman came in with short of breath. An X-ray showed a lot of fluid in his chest and we decided to drain it to help him breathe. We got about two liters of pus from his chest; it was like doing a delivery. I was quite literally soaked from the waist down with foul-smelling, thick, yellow goo (we had been expecting simple fluid...).
    He died a few days later and we learned that he'd somehow ruptured his esophagus, leaking food & whatnot into his chest, which was the source of his infection."

    Woman stuffs herself with leaves

    Woman stuffs herself with leaves

    [ranking: 16]
    "A woman came in complaining of foul vaginal odor. A fellow med student asked her what medicines/herbs/supplements she was on, and she pulled out a huge bag full of different sized mason jars and prescription bottles. One of the jars contains raspberry leaves, which the woman said were used to improve vaginal odors. The doctor asked how long she kept them in there, and she replied, 'They're natural, they just decompose and disappear.'
    Cut to woman in the stirrups. Her vagina is loaded with rotting, brown-red mush. Ugh."

    Man gives wife enema with garden hose

    Man gives wife enema with garden hose

    [ranking: 9]
    "A woman came in with constipation, I'm sure she tried the conventional routes to cure it, but it somehow got to the point that her husband was giving her water enemas with a GARDEN hose. Needless to say, he blew out her intestine."

    Man's body decays

    Man's body decays

    [ranking: 10]
    "A guy came into the ER. Apparently he had been found living in his car basically rotting away. The guy was at least 500 pounds, and had to be cut out of the car. He stunk so bad the whole ER and ambulance bay smelled like dead flesh.
    There were maggots inside of his open wounds and the sores were so big that man's hip bone was visible."

    Woman stores dead bird inside herself

    Woman stores dead bird inside herself

    [ranking: 11]
    "My friend is a nurse and working in Melbourne and a well-known patient (frequent flyer with mental health concerns) came in throwing up, her skin was yellow and clammy. She was very disoriented. The nurse proceeded to do a full body check with another nurse and they just happen to see a small string hanging out of the lady's private parts. They asked the woman about it and she wouldn't answer. So the nurses slowly pulled on the string and out came a dead, decaying sparrow.
    When asked what it was doing in there, the patient claimed that she was planning on eating it later.The decomposing bird was causing blood poisoning."  

    Man carves himself a vagina

    Man carves himself a vagina

    [ranking: 12]
    "A fellow ER nurse told me this one.
    She was sitting in the triage when a man walked up, looking slightly uncomfortable.  
    Nurse - 'So how can I help you?'  
    Man - 'My vagina is bleeding.'  
    The nurse suspected that the patient was transgender, but the only reply she could muster is 'Vagina?'  
    Man - 'Yes, my vagina has been bleeding for some time now and won't stop.'  
    Then he goes into story-telling mode and explains that he is male, and for years he's been using disposable plastic cutlery to carve a vagina between his anus and balls. By scraping just a little bit everyday and then stuffing the wound with paper/cotton/something, to keep it from sealing up.
    By this point his "vagina" is several inches deep, but after his last carving session it started bleeding and wouldn't stop."

    Couple tries to remove lost condom with spoons

    Couple tries to remove lost condom with spoons

    [ranking: 17]
    "There was the young couple who had tried to remove a 'lost' condom unsuccessfully with a pair of spoons (don't ask!) They had failed, they told us, and were worried. In we went, the doctor and I.
    There was no condom - they had been trying to pull out the cervix with the spoons."

    Dementia patient possibly burned her children to death

    Dementia patient possibly burned her children to death

    [ranking: 18]
    "I worked in the dementia unit of a nursing home for six months. My first day there was a woman there who had previously been in a mental hospital, and when I went to go talk to her, she points out the window and says 'See those kids out there? Aren't they beautiful?'
    There were no kids, but I went along with it. Then she goes 'I didn't mean to burn them. I didn't mean to kill my children.'"

    Woman births Cabbage Patch Kid

    Woman births Cabbage Patch Kid

    [ranking: 19]
    "Paramedics brought in a 'woman in labor', accompanied by boyfriend. I performed a quick visual check and found something quite unsettling. She appeared to be SEWN SHUT. Like, with thick yarn. Her boyfriend was removed as it appeared to be some sort of abuse issue. The woman was showing signs of infection and is screaming that she needs to push. The home-made stitches were quickly cut, and a small head soon starts crowning.
    Sadly, as more of the baby protrudes, it appears very still, stiff, and ...plastic-y...? It turned out that this mildly psychotic woman so badly wanted to have a baby, that she shoved a Cabbage Patch Doll up her hoo-haa and sewed it shut to keep it in."  


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If you work in a hospital, you're bound to see your share of gnarliness. In a world where blood and guts are an everyday occurrence, it takes a lot to shake a medical professional. We scoured the internet for true creepy stories from hospital workers. These scary, real stories will make your skin crawl and your heart race. These tales are not for the weak of stomach and faint of heart.

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