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    Ultimate Nullifier

    Ultimate Nullifier

    [ranking: 38]
    The Ultimate Nullifier is a device that can eliminate from existence anything that the bearer chooses. It is powerful enough to destroy entire timelines if the bearer is of sufficient intellect and power.



    [ranking: 4]
    Infinity represents the infinite potential of existence. Her siblings are Eternity, Death, Oblivion, and Galactus.



    [ranking: 28]
    Cyttorak is an immensely powerful deity, ruler of the Crimson Cosmos and supplier of power to his avatar, the unstoppable Juggernaut. More Cyttorak
    #55 of 162 on The Most Powerful Comic Book Characters Ever, Ranked #87 of 198 on The Greatest Immortal Characters in Fiction



    [ranking: 10]
    Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. More Galactus
    #4 of 110 on The Greatest Marvel Villains & Enemies Ever #20 of 650 on The Best Comic Book Villains #43 of 53 on Characters Who Are Most Worthy Of Lifting Mjolnir #6 of 102 on Comic Book Characters We Want to See on Film



    [ranking: 11]
    The celestials are an ancient cosmic race that used their godlike abilities to experiment on lower life forms. They are responsible for mankind's potential to gain superhuman powers.



    [ranking: 41]
    Kallark, codenamed Gladiator, was once the Praetor of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, the most faithful servant of the Shi'ar throne. After the Shi'ar-Kree War, with the apparent death of Lilandra and Vulcan, Kallark is elevated to the position of Majestor by consensus of a desperate Shi'ar populace. More Gladiator
    #59 of 110 on The Greatest Marvel Villains & Enemies Ever #61 of 138 on The Best X-Men Villains and Enemies Ever #62 of 70 on The Best X-Men Characters of All Time


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About Random Most Powerful Characters in Marvel Comics

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most powerful characters in marvel comics. We collected a list of "Random Most Powerful Characters in Marvel Comics" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most powerful characters in marvel comics shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

"Strength" in comic books is hard to qualify, or quantify. One character always has to be stronger than another or there's no stakes (which is probably why it's hard to get a solo Hulk movie to work). But power... power is another story.

These are the most powerful beings/entities/characters in all of Marvel Lore—not just the strongest Marvel characters. The mighty characters on this list are those that possess the strength, intelligence, and abilities to rival the gods! (There are some gods on this list, and not necessarily at the top.)

We want to know who YOU think is the most powerful Marvel character. Who's more powerful: Thanos or the Beyonder? Death or Oblivion? Thor or Hulk? With superheroes hotter than ever, evident by so many highly anticipated superhero movies on their way to theaters, debates like these are sure to rage online for the foreseeable future. 

Vote up those you think are the most powerful Marvel comics characters! Vote down those that aren't worthy! Feel free to add any supremely powerful beings we may have missed!

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