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    If Odin Can Send Thor To Earth Without The Bifrost Bridge, Why Rebuild It?

    If Odin Can Send Thor To Earth Without The Bifrost Bridge, Why Rebuild It?

    [ranking: 13]
    The Bifrost Bridge's destruction at the end of Thor prevents the citizens of Asgard from traveling to other worlds. Except during The Avengers, when Thor just appears out of the sky.
    Odin apparently can use magic to send Thor to Earth. If Odin has this ability, why is the loss of the Bifrost Bridge such a big deal? Why even rebuild it at all? What's stopping Thor from asking his father for a trip to Earth to visit Jane Foster every weekend?

    Does Cap Really Need To Stay On The Plane To Wreck It?

    Does Cap Really Need To Stay On The Plane To Wreck It?

    [ranking: 3]
    It's brave of Cap to crash the plane that would've destroyed New York in Captain America: The First Avenger, but it's also completely unnecessary for him to stay inside. He knows enough about flying to put the plane into a nosedive, so why not grab a parachute and jump out? Or just jump out since the super-solider serum would likely allow him to survive? Or just turn the plane around until a better solution is found? He'd live a full life in his own time if he would just do a little thinking instead of talking about dancing.

    What Happens To Samuel Sterns?

    What Happens To Samuel Sterns?

    [ranking: 9]
    The Incredible Hulk is among the weakest films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that doesn't mean Hulk's history should be ignored. The film includes the accident that, in the comics, turns Samuel Sterns into the Leader, a major Hulk villain. But whatever happens to Sterns isn't addressed in any of the following Marvel films and isn't likely to be explored in the future.

    Why Is Captain America Entertaining Instead Of Fighting?

    Why Is Captain America Entertaining Instead Of Fighting?

    [ranking: 14]
    So America only has enough super-soldier serum for one guy and what do they do with him? Send him to entertain the troops and ask civilians to buy war bonds.
    Steve Rogers might not be the ideal person to be America's best weapon, but his ultrahuman attributes still make him more effective than any regular soldier. Any other private could replace Steve in the USO to entertain (and they'd probably do a better job, too).

    Why Doesn't Tony Stark Make A Suit Out Of Vibranium?

    Why Doesn't Tony Stark Make A Suit Out Of Vibranium?

    [ranking: 5]
    In Iron Man 2, Tony Stark discovers a way to synthesize a new element to use in an overhauled arc reactor, replacing the palladium that is poisoning him. This may be vibranium, though some movie fans claim otherwise.
    If Stark made an entirely new element, he'd still have the means to access it. Tony's father Howard Stark found enough vibranium to make Captain America's shield and Tony was aware of Ulysses Klaw's smuggling of the stuff from his arms-dealing days. So if Tony knows how powerful vibranium is, why doesn't he make at least one indestructible suit out of it?

    Do The Avengers Know That Agent Coulson Is Alive?

    Do The Avengers Know That Agent Coulson Is Alive?

    [ranking: 1]
    Agent Coulson's death in The Avengers helped bring the team together, but now that Coulson is alive, do the Avengers know? Joss Whedon, director of The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron and creator of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., considers Coulson to be dead in the movies. But in the show, Coulson's revival is supposedly kept secret from Thor the Avengers. How is that possible?
    In S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson carries out missions with Thor's Asgardian friend Sif, so does she keep that a secret from Thor? After Coulson clears undercover Hydra agents from S.H.I.E.L.D., how do Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Cap not know about him?


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About Random Most Glaring Unexplained Plot Holes In Marvel Movies

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most glaring unexplained plot holes in marvel movies. We collected a list of "Random Most Glaring Unexplained Plot Holes In Marvel Movies" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most glaring unexplained plot holes in marvel movies shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is booming at the box office and entertaining millions of moviegoers, but there are still several plot holes in Marvel movies. In trying to tie all the films together, Marvel movie plot holes are bound to happen, but some leaps in logic are harder to swallow than others.

While many Marvel film plot holes are forgivable, there are some Hulk-sized holes that are too big to overlook. Here is a list of the some of the worst plot holes in Marvel movies. Vote up the narrative issues in Marvel Studios films that actually bug you.

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