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    Logan Huntzberger

    Logan Huntzberger

    [ranking: 5]

    Rory's college sweetheart was sometimes a great foil, but other times an entitled jerk. He did propose in the end, but the ever-ambitious Rory rejected him.
    Pros: He's adventurous, charismatic, and witty, and he genuinely cared for Rory and was there for her (most of the time).
    Cons: He drank too much, he was irresponsible and cocky, and he slept with other girls while they were "on a break."

    Max Medina

    Max Medina

    [ranking: 8]

    He was Rory's professor at Chilton and Lorelai's first fianc??.
    Pros: He seems like an all-around good guy, he proposed with a thousand yellow daisies, and he got along with Rory.
    Cons: They were never quite the right fit, they had no chemistry, and he could never really compete with Luke.

    Zack Van Gerbig

    Zack Van Gerbig

    [ranking: 7]

    Zack: The passionate songwriter and Lane's clueless, yet well-meaning boyfriend.
    Pros: He always tried to do right by Lane and her mom, he was just as passionate about music as Lane, he was a responsible dad and husband.
    Cons: He started out as kind of a womanizer, and he needed to be told what to do more often than not.

    Tristan Dugrey

    Tristan Dugrey

    [ranking: 11]

    The Chilton bad boy who harbored a secret crush on Rory.
    Pros: Um, he looked good in the Chilton uniform?
    Cons: He constantly teased Rory and dubbed her "Mary," poking fun at her good girl persona, and he came on to her while she was with Dean.

    Christopher Hayden

    Christopher Hayden

    [ranking: 12]

    Lorelai's high school boyfriend was not exactly the most present person in the lives of his daughter and baby mama.
    Pros: He's Rory's father, he's always loved Lorelai, and he tried to make it right when he finally had the means to support the family.
    Cons: He was never really there for the girls, he tried to break up Lorelai and Luke at one point, he left Lorelai when his girlfriend got pregnant (that's no easy situation, but you don't just up and leave like that), and he was a cool high school boyfriend but never really grew out of that high school mentality. 

    Doyle McMaster

    Doyle McMaster

    [ranking: 6]

    Paris's paramour was just as quirky as she was. Despite their ups and downs, they made it work.
    Pros: He genuinely loved and supported Paris and he was a good friend to Rory.
    Cons: As Paris and Rory's editor, he was less endearing than annoying.


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About Random Love Interests on Gilmore Girls

It's an exciting tool for displaying random love interests on gilmore girls. We collected a list of "Random Love Interests on Gilmore Girls" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random love interests on gilmore girls shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Lorelai and Rory were the stars of Gilmore Girls, but half the fun of following their lives was watching them navigate the dating scene. They introduced fans to a few of the most memorable boyfriends of small screen history, and made us fall in love. Lorelai was a single mom who never needed a man, but still wanted to find the real thing. Rory was a whip-smart beauty who was just discovering the world of dating.Together, they managed to attract - though not always keep - some of the hottest, cleverest, and most troubled guys in all of Connecticut.

True fans probably already have strong opinions about lovable curmudgeon Luke Danes or hot teacher Max Medina, and you definitely have chosen a side when it comes to Jess vs. Dean. Now is your chance to make you preferences known. Vote up your favorite love interests from Gilmore Girls on this list of all the men that made the ladies (including Sookie and Lane) swoon. 

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