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    Modern Family   Alex Dunphy is a fictional character from the 2009 comedy TV series Modern Family

    Alex Dunphy

    [ranking: 31]
    Modern Family Alex Dunphy is a fictional character from the 2009 comedy TV series Modern Family

    Cheers   Diane Chambers is a fictional character in the American television situation comedy show Cheers.

    Diane Chambers

    [ranking: 42]
    Cheers Diane Chambers is a fictional character in the American television situation comedy show Cheers.

    The Simpsons   Martin Prince is a fictional character from the TV series The Simpsons.

    Martin Prince

    [ranking: 71]
    The Simpsons Martin Prince is a fictional character from the TV series The Simpsons.

    Home Improvement

    Wilson Wilson Jr.

    [ranking: 36]
    Home Improvement

    Charlie Bradbury

    Charlie Bradbury

    [ranking: 48]

    Firefly   Kaylee Frye is a fictional character from the 2005 film Serenity.

    Kaylee Frye

    [ranking: 55]
    Firefly Kaylee Frye is a fictional character from the 2005 film Serenity.


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About Random Greatest Geeks in TV History

It's an exciting tool for displaying random greatest geeks in tv history. We collected a list of "Random Greatest Geeks in TV History" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random greatest geeks in tv history shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.
List of the greatest geeks in TV history. The best nerd characters ever to hit the tiny screens are ranked here in order of greatness. Sure some of the characters might have annoyed us, but we never changed that dial once they appeared onscreen. These men and women are absolutely hilarious and absolutely awesome -- oh, and absolutely nerdy. It usually happens on TV when the door knocks and the dad is really disappointed to see who is on the other side. Like the way Carl Winslow looks when it's revealed to be Steve Urkel on Family Matters. TV nerds of all genders are ranked, ranging from sexy geeks like Liz Lemon to neurotic nerds like Adrian Monk. Who studies dinosaurs better than Ross Geller? Who knows more Pawnee history than Leslie Knope? These geeks made us smarter and sillier, like Lisa Simpson and Willow Rosenberg. While Willow was always the best friend and Dwight Schrute is just one of the employees, people like Larry David and iCarly (yes, both geeks) got shows to their geeky selves.

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