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    The Bragging President Of The Pokemon Fan Club In The Kanto Region

    The Bragging President Of The Pokemon Fan Club In The Kanto Region

    [ranking: 14]
    The Quote: "Did you come to hear me brag about my Pokemon? Good! Then listen up! My favorite Rapidash... It... cute... lovely... smart...plus...amazing...you think so?... Oh yes... it...stunning...kindly...love it! Hug it ...when... sleeping...warm and cuddly...spectacular...ravishing... Oops! Look at the time! I kept you too long! Thanks for hearing me out. I want you to have this."
    The Character: President of the Pokemon Fan Club
    The Game: Red/Blue/Yellow and Fire Red/Leaf Green
    Everyone knows that the most prized possession in the Pokemon games is not the Master Ball. It??s the bicycle! Sure, the Master Ball won't ever fail you, but is it worth a million poke-dollars? If you recall, in order to get the bicycle, you need a bicycle voucher. To get that voucher, you have to endure listening to the Pokemon Fan Club President ??brag?? about his Rapidash for far too long. 

    Swimmer Kylie Keeps Her Pokeballs In A Place You Don't Want To Know About

    Swimmer Kylie Keeps Her Pokeballs In A Place You Don't Want To Know About

    [ranking: 1]
    The Quote: ??If I??m wearing a bikini...where do I put my Pokeballs? Teehee...woman??s secret!??
    The Character: Swimmer Kylie
    The Game: X/Y
    This is a question that??s had Pokefans curious for years. In X/Y, Swimmer Kylie invites you to wildly speculate about the whereabouts of her Pokeballs on her body, in what can only be described as yet another attempt by the writers to really push the ??child-friendly?? appeal of the games as far as it can go. As fans know from the anime, Pokeballs have the ability to become more travel-sized. There??s no reason why Kylie couldn??t secure her Pokeballs to a belt like many other trainers do, but the fact that she specifically adds, ??It??s a woman??s secret,?? instantly pulls fans away from the obvious answer and down into the gutter instead. 

    Veteran Timeo Whose Body Is Ready For Battle On Victory Road

    Veteran Timeo Whose Body Is Ready For Battle On Victory Road

    [ranking: 8]
    The Quote: ??My body is ready.??
    The Character: Veteran Timeo on Victory Road
    The Game: X/Y
    If this list teaches you anything, it??s that the English dialogue translators really know their memes because this line finally brings that relationship full circle. It??s said by Veteran Timeo on Victory Road, referring to the infamous meme that was born out of a quote from the over-excited Nintendo of America??s President/COO, Reggie Fils-Aime. As he unveiled the Wii Balance Board at E3 in 2007, he proclaimed, ??My body?? My body is ready!?? Never change, Reggie. Never change.

    The One Meme To Rule Them All Man Who Lives In Pacifidlog Town

    The One Meme To Rule Them All Man Who Lives In Pacifidlog Town

    [ranking: 9]
    The Quote: ??One does not simply walk into a Mirage Spot.??
    The Character: An old man in a hut in Pacifidlog Town
    The Game: Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
    Players of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald will no doubt remember the fabled ??Mirage Island?? that was said to very rarely appear just beyond Pacifidlog Town. The ??Mirage?? mantle was carried on in the remakes of Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. It was renamed ??Mirage Spots,?? as was the old man and his mirage-watching habit. In the remakes, he lives in the Southeastern hut in Pacifidlog Town and echoes the difficulty of reaching a mirage-based location from the original games with this funny reference to the popular Sean Bean/Boromir meme. 

    The Science/Technology Fan Who Lives In Every Home Town

    The Science/Technology Fan Who Lives In Every Home Town

    [ranking: 12]
    The Quote: ??Technology is incredible!/The power of science is staggering!??
    The Character: The science/technology enthusiast who is always outside of your home
    The Game: All of them
    Known only as the ??technology/science guy?? (or sometimes less affectionately as ??the homeless fat guy??), this NPC is the stuff of legends in the Pokemon games. Over six generations, he??s paced leisurely in front of your home in your starter town, professing his passion for either technology or science (he likes to mix things up). Whilst his irrepressible optimism is loveable, it??s really the repetition of this particular NPC and his famous line that makes it funny. He??s just a portly dude raving about technology/science at the bottom of your front yard. What??s not to love?

    The Youngster Trainers Whose Love Of Shorts Knows No Bounds On The Road To Pewter City

    The Youngster Trainers Whose Love Of Shorts Knows No Bounds On The Road To Pewter City

    [ranking: 4]
    The Quote: ??Hi! I like shorts! They??re comfy and easy to wear!??
    The Character: (First appearance) A Youngster trainer on Route 3 in the Kanto Region
    The Game: All of them
    The ??technology/science guy?? is a fan favorite of the recurring NPCs, but he isn??t the favorite. No, that illustrious title belongs to certain members of the Youngster class of trainers, who, for no discernible reason, just really love shorts. The line was first uttered by a Youngster in the original games prior to battling, and struck such a chord with fans that a variation of it has been included in every single game since then. One of the funniest callbacks has to be from the Youngster in Pokemon X/Y: ??Whenever I??m feeling down after losing a battle, I just think, ??At least I??ve still got my shorts!????


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About Random Funniest Things Pokémon NPCs Have Ever Said

It's an exciting tool for displaying random funniest things pokémon npcs have ever said. We collected a list of "Random Funniest Things Pokémon NPCs Have Ever Said" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random funniest things pokémon npcs have ever said shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

All Pokémon games present a magical world where monsters and humans live in harmony with one another. Sure, a terrorist organization may steal your closest companion, a ghost-type creature may lure in and kill your children, and a mythical creature may threaten to destroy civilization as you know it from time to time, but other than that, life is as sweet as a Rare Candy.

In this weird and wonderful Pokémon world, NPCs (non-player characters) are everywhere. There aren't any super annoying NPCs, but rather, there's the occasional strange NPC that says something unexpectedly hilarious. Is the humor intentional or just lost in translation? Honestly, it’s hard to tell. What's for certain is that funny Pokémon NPC quotes are one of the gifts that keep on giving in this beloved video game franchise. Vote up the craziest lines that non-playable people have said in Pokémon. 

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