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Random Factsreport

  • random fact 1

     Female pandas ovulate only once a year. They are fertile only two or three days of the year.[giant panda]

  • random fact 2

     African lions are listed as vulnerable, with numbers continuing to dramatically decline. They are the only big cat not currently protected under the Endangered Species Act, and pro-hunters are strongly lobbying against placing the lion on the list.[lion]

  • random fact 3

     In 1984, the Macintosh was introduced by the famous “1984” commercial, which showed a young, female rebel (Apple) striking a blow against corporate “Big Brother” (presumably IBM).[Apple Inc.]

  • random fact 4

     The national language of Saudi Arabia is Arabic, and some of the many English words which derive from Arabic include alchemy/chemistry, alcohol, algebra, alkaline, almanac, arsenal, assassin, candy, cipher, coffee, cotton, elixir, garbage, gauze, giraffe, guitar, harem, hazard, humus, jar, jasmine, lemon, lime, magazine, mattress, mohair, mosque, mummy, nadir, orange, ream, rook, safari, saffron, sash, sequin, silk, spinach, sugar, syrup, tamarind, tangerine, tariff, tuna, and zero.[Saudi Arabia]

  • random fact 5

     Some astronomers hypothesize that Pluto is just an escaped satellite of Neptune that pulled out of Neptune’s atmosphere and made its own orbit. Specifically, because Triton (one of Neptune’s moons) and Pluto have such similar characteristics, astronomers believe Pluto may have been a twin moon to Triton.[Pluto]

  • random fact 6

     Dustin Phillips of the U.S. has the record for ketchup drinking. He drank a 14-ounce bottle of tomato ketchup through a ? inch straw in 33 seconds on September 23, 1999

  • random fact 7

     Embryo adoption is when embryos are given to another individual or couple to be implanted in the recipient woman’s uterus. In contrast to traditional adoptions, embryo adoption is governed by property law rather than court systems.[Adoption]

  • random fact 8

     “A Lord’s Right,” or Driut du seigneur, was an alleged medieval legal right in Europe that allowed the lord of an estate to take the virginity of the estate’s virgins on the night of their marriage.[Virginity]

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