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    Family Pet Left In The Forest With Hole In Its Head

    Family Pet Left In The Forest With Hole In Its Head

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/YYURYYUBICURYY4ME:
    US Forest Service here: dog skeleton, still leashed to a tree, bullet hole in skull.

    Random Shot Fired In The Middle Of Nowhere

    Random Shot Fired In The Middle Of Nowhere

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor /u/Felicity_Badp*rn:
    Camping 80+ miles from any thing resembling civilization. Lying in the tent talking before falling asleep when all of the sudden a [shot] rings out no more than 100 yards away. Then hearing the sound slowly travel away. Then quiet.

    Park Worker Finds Abandoned House With Sinister Shed

    Park Worker Finds Abandoned House With Sinister Shed

    [ranking: 6]
    From former Redditor:
    A shed behind an abandoned house with a steel reinforced door broken off the hinges. The windows of the shed were boarded up from the outside. The only thing inside the shed was a queen size bed with shredded, partly singed white sheets.

    Eagles Teach Chick How To Grab And Drop Young Goats

    Eagles Teach Chick How To Grab And Drop Young Goats

    [ranking: 20]
    From Redditor /u/Bobdylansdog:
    Working as a ranger in western Queensland, I saw three wedgetail eagles rounding up some feral goats. It looked like mum and dad were teaching junior how to pick the weak goat - diving down on them and separating the weak young from their parents. Finally the large eagles were picking up the young kid on their fly-through, lifting it up a couple of meters then dropping it. Not supernatural, just strange and cool.

    Shirtless Man Runs Around Forest Waving Crowbar

    Shirtless Man Runs Around Forest Waving Crowbar

    [ranking: 7]
    From Redditor /u/Tingeoftheging:
    I was surveying a remote restoration site near an old trail and I heard someone walking up a nearby path. All the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, so I grabbed all my stuff and started casually walking down the trail like I belonged there. I turned the corner and there was a shirtless guy swinging a crowbar around in circles, and when he saw me he started yelling, 'I'VE GOT A CROWBAR! I'VE GOT A CROWBAR!' I think I nodded at him, squeaked something like, 'Nice crowbar,' and then ran the mile or so back to my truck.

    Perfectly Severed Deer Head Found On Isolated Yellowstone Trail

    Perfectly Severed Deer Head Found On Isolated Yellowstone Trail

    [ranking: 5]
    From Redditor /u/RIPEOTCDXVI:
    I'm a ranger at Yellowstone. Couple weeks ago I was exploring the Lamar Valley, about 11 miles from the nearest road and even further to the park boundary.
    There, in the middle of the trail, is a perfectly severed deer head. No blood, no raggedness at the severance. Perfectly in tact.
    This is weird because I have seen wolf and bear [spoils], and I used to find cougar [prey remains] in SD with radio tracking just after the cougar made them.
    This was not any of those things. The head was completely uneaten - eyes, tongue, everything intact. Even the ravens hadn't touched it yet. No caching, no [droppings]. Right smack in the trail, but again, no blood.
    Even a human doing it made no conventional sense. It was a doe so it had no antlers, plus, why leave it in the trail?
    Whole thing, even in broad daylight, gave me chills. Just an ocean of waving grass, bison calmly grazing, and a perfectly clean deer head right on the path.


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About Random Creepiest Things Park Rangers Described They've Seen

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things park rangers described they've seen. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things Park Rangers Described They've Seen" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things park rangers described they've seen shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

We've all been frightened by things that go bump in the night, but imagine hearing those scary sounds isolated in a forest, miles away from mankind and any sort of salvation. That's the reality for many park rangers. Rangers are often left to venture out and care for parks on their own, often going weeks or months without interacting with another human being. In that quiet time, some pretty creepy things can happen out in the wilderness.

We hiked over to Reddit, where we found some of the creepiest things park rangers have seen or experienced. From nature at its roughest to unexplained phenomena, these tales may make you want trade in your tent for good.

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