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    Photographer has terrifying encounter in rural Panama

    Photographer has terrifying encounter in rural Panama

    [ranking: 15]
    "I used to live in rural Panama in a community with no electricity. The whole town is inside by sundown, around 7 p.m., and asleep by 9 p.m. One night, I'm outside at around 11 p.m. photographing stars and I have to turn my headlamp off while the camera is taking the pictures - 30 to 150 seconds of almost complete darkness for each shot. When I finish a photo, I'll turn my headlamp back on and look at my camera to adjust settings and take another shot. One time when I turned my head lamp on, I saw a pair of eyes just about fifteen feet away in the bushes staring at me. I've got friends who have worked setting camera traps throughout the country and I've seen picture evidence that there are still several types of big cats alive and well in the area.
    I lean down to pick up some rocks, look back up, and the eyes are gone. My house is about 100 feet away. I do my best to turn my handful of rocks and dinky tripod into weapons and run as manly-like as I can back to my house. I never went back out to take pictures at night."

    Dead guy on a plane starts moaning

    Dead guy on a plane starts moaning

    [ranking: 6]
    ??My father used to solo fly freelance charter jobs. On one job he was flying a dead man to his funeral destination. On the way there my dad ran into some bad weather and turbulence. He started hearing a strange, human sound. The dead guy behind him was gasping and moaning and making sounds like a forceful 'HUURRRRRR....HUURRRR...!' Before you start thinking the dead guy wasn't actually dead, it turns out that the rough turbulence was forcing air out of the cadaver??s lungs and producing the creepy sound.??

    Driver encounters man in a snowstorm

    Driver encounters man in a snowstorm

    [ranking: 2]
    "Some friends and I took my truck up in the mountains during the winter time and we towed each other on a tube across the snow. We'd drop the tailgate in my old long-bed Ford and a few guys would sit in the back with one of those bazillion candlelight spotlights. When I was driving it'd be fun to make really wide turns in the dark so the person on the tube didn't have the luxury of headlights or taillights to somewhat illuminate their trail. The person in the bed of the truck with the spotlight would be funny and shine the light clear off to the side so it was pitch black if you were on the tube. One particular winter night, a snowstorm was rolling in so we headed up to the usual spot. It was really DARK that night. I was driving while a friend sat on the tube.  
    The guy with the spotlight shined the light clear to the side of the truck and as I checked my mirror, I made eye contact with a guy dressed in jeans, a red plaid shirt, and an orange baseball cap. As we made eye contact, I lost all control of my body for probably only five seconds, but it felt like an eternity. I stopped the truck and turned it around and asked the guys if they saw him. They all said no, so I flipped the truck around and turned on the high beams and they shined the spotlight all over. I got out and looked for footprints in the fresh snow and saw nothing. 
    That night we went back home and I told my dad about the weird experience and didn't think anything of it. A week later on the news, the police reported finding a body in the area close to where we were and asked for any tips. My dad convinced me to call the police and tell them we were up in the area and saw that guy. I called and an investigator came over to the house, I told him I saw that man seven days ago. As soon as I said that, the investigator asked me, "Are you are sure about the date?" When I said I was positive, he showed me a picture of the body they found wearing the same red plaid shirt and orange ball cap. Turns out it was a man who suffered from some mental handicaps and committed suicide on the mountain, one month BEFORE I saw him."

    Corpse is stored in freezer

    Corpse is stored in freezer

    [ranking: 12]
    "Navy ships are bound to have its creepy stories. For example, on a supply ship when I was 'cranking' (working 90 days in the galley), I was talking to one of the cooks. He said that a few years before, the ship had picked up dead fisherman they found floating and put them inside the freezer, the freezer WITH dinner still inside. He said it was creepy as hell going in and out to grab platters with corpses sitting nearby. The strangest part is that below decks we have multiple MASSIVE freezers and there should have been plenty of space. The cook never knew why they put them inside the tiny freezer on next to people food."

    Campers find mutilated coyotes

    Campers find mutilated coyotes

    [ranking: 8]
    "When I was 16 years old, I had to do a wilderness program in the  high desert area before I went to rehab. One night when we were camping by this river, we heard a whole pack of wolves come through the campsite probably about 50 feet away from where we were sleeping. We didn??t have tents, only tarps that we set up as A-frames each night with surrounding trees. Thankfully, the wolves didn??t disturb us. The next day we were backpacking and found about a dozen coyotes mutilated, cut open and displayed on fences. It was pretty strange and frightening. I was ready to go back to civilization ASAP and start rehab."

    Private airplane unwittingly flies through volcano eruption

    Private airplane unwittingly flies through volcano eruption

    [ranking: 17]
    "A friend of mine grew up in 1950s Alaska where his dad was a bush pilot. One day, they're out flying around since it??s a nice day and suddenly the entire sky goes completely red and there are no clouds. They had no radio so his dad continues flying for hours. They didn??t say a word but both father and son were  thinking that the Cold War had just ended in thermonuclear holocaust since Alaska was a target close to Russia and this was the height of the Cold War. Finally, they start to run out of fuel so they have to land. His dad eases the plane down, finds the landing strip and goes in for an emergency landing. They don't know what's going on.
    They make it down perfectly, no hiccups, bumps, or anything. The airport is in an uproar and a crew guy comes up to help them out. "What's going on?" his dad asked. The guy tells them,"You have no idea just how lucky you are. A volcano just went off, and you've been flying through the debris." So there was no thermonuclear warfare and they were stupidly lucky that the plane didn't stall out in the middle of nowhere Alaska with a volcano spewing nearby.??


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About Random Creepiest Things Outdoor Enthusiasts Told They've Seen

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things outdoor enthusiasts told they've seen. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things Outdoor Enthusiasts Told They've Seen" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things outdoor enthusiasts told they've seen shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.
There is nothing as scary as silence - especially when you're alone in the middle of nowhere. Your own thoughts can get the best of you, you wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you, and you can never be sure if someone... or something... isn't looking over your shoulder. Anybody who has spent time living in the woods alone has a creepy story to tell, so we scoured Reddit and collected a list of stories from nature enthusiasts who have encountered some seriously creepy things out there. 

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