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    The Curse Of The Homeless Man At In-N-Out

    The Curse Of The Homeless Man At In-N-Out

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor /u/Rabbi_Koufax:
    When I was at In-N-Out at 1am having your average post-drinking midnight meal, there was a homeless guy in the corner, quite dirty and obviously trying to subtly eat some leftovers someone left because he was hungry. Some drunk frat bros were making fun of him, telling him to go back to his hole and other insults. After a few minutes of this, the homeless guy got up, stood on his table, and literally put a curse on them.
    I forget his exact wording because the scene was so shocking and I couldn't believe what I was seeing/hearing, but it was something to the effect of 'I hereby curse you never to father healthy children and to die a painful death without love in the next year. You will be tortured by Satan for all eternity I swear it.' The employees called the cops and the homeless dude left.

    You've Got To Think Out Your Vigorous Intimate Encounters

    You've Got To Think Out Your Vigorous Intimate Encounters

    [ranking: 12]
    From Dushka Zapata on Quora:
    Two guys are talking next to me at a restaurant.
    Guy 1: Dude, how do you decide if you take her to her place or your place?
    Guy 2: It depends on how rough I want [it] to get.
    Guy 1: What do you mean?
    Guy 2: Well, if I get rough and we're at her place, she kicks me out and I have to go home in the middle of the night. If we're at my place, the girl can leave and I'm already in bed.

    Time To Stop Going To BK

    Time To Stop Going To BK

    [ranking: 14]
    From former Redditor: 
    At Burger King one day, 'And they found her dead in the river?. . . Who pulled her out?. . . Oh, she was murdered?' It was a guy talking very loudly on his cell phone. There was an audible sigh of relief when he left.

    Time To Put On Your Invisibility Cloak

    Time To Put On Your Invisibility Cloak

    [ranking: 9]
    From Redditor /u/ahylianhero:
    I use[d] to work at a Honda factory in Alabama and they get a lot of workers in from temp agencies, so you tend to get a lot of weird ones. As I'm walking back from my lunch break, I pass two guys and accidentally overhear, 'I just want to impregnate the first thing I see.' 
    My only thoughts were, 'Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact.'"

    Seriously, Call the Police

    Seriously, Call the Police

    [ranking: 3]
    Previously from Alix Weich Dahlen on Quora:
    A guy I was standing near in the bar: "You know, the simple fact of the matter is, I could easily drug and [sexually overpower] any of these chicks. Most of them I wouldn't even have to drug, because I'm obviously stronger."
    His friend: "That's one hundred percent fact. Hell, I'd help if she turned out the be a fighter. You know that."
    I could pretend they were having a hypothetical discussion about women's safety issues, if it wasn't for that second guy's reply.

    Stab You In The Eye With A Fork

    Stab You In The Eye With A Fork

    [ranking: 15]
    From Redditor /u/solaritybusk:
    Sitting in my back yard, I once heard the neighbor girl yell at her little sister: 'I will take a fork and stab your eye and pluck it out!'
    The little sister started giggling.


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About Random Creepiest Things Ever Overheard by Random People on The Internet

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things ever overheard by random people on the internet. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things Ever Overheard by Random People on The Internet" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things ever overheard by random people on the internet shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

We've all been in some dingy bar or in line at a fast food restaurant and heard someone say something that was really creepy. Whether it was an out of context statement about a blood transfusion or something a little more invasive, when you hear these things your mind begins to wander and think up all new terrible situations to surround that statement. Some of the fine folks on the Internet have shared some of the disturbing things overheard while going about their daily life, and they gave us the creeps. If you think you can handle the terror of real life, continue reading this collection of questionable things overheard in public.

It's surprising what one can hear in public when they close their mouths and open their ears. It turns out that most people not only have a problem with volume control, but they also over-share an extreme amount. A lot of the stories on this collection of creepy things overheard in public have an overtly sexual vibe, which already makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Aside from the overheard snippets of such conversations, the amount of violent fantasies that people share in public is mind-boggling. After reading these weird things that people overheard in public, you're definitely going to second guess everything you say out loud.

Vote up the creepiest things overheard by people on the Internet. And if you've overheard something weird, then tell us about it in the comments. 


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