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    A Clown On His Break, 1958

    A Clown On His Break, 1958

    [ranking: 13]

    People With The Mummies Of Venzone, Italy, 1950s

    People With The Mummies Of Venzone, Italy, 1950s

    [ranking: 4]

    A Nine-Year-Old Girl Working, Unknown Year

    A Nine-Year-Old Girl Working, Unknown Year

    [ranking: 16]

    The Original Michelin Men, Unknown Year

    The Original Michelin Men, Unknown Year

    [ranking: 18]

    Children Wearing Burlap Sacks As Costumes, 1950 

    Children Wearing Burlap Sacks As Costumes, 1950 

    [ranking: 7]

    A Radiology Nurse In Protective Gear, 1918

    A Radiology Nurse In Protective Gear, 1918

    [ranking: 20]


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About Random Creepiest Photos From History

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest photos from history. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Photos From History" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest photos from history shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Film photography is inherently difficult to control in regard to exposure and quality, and the photographer can't determine if an image is too creepy until after the development process. But when photography first emerged, those creepy photos from history likely didn't seem so nefarious.

Now contemporary artists work hard to create truly terrifying pieces that decorate the homes of modern horror fans. Their work, however, pales in comparison to old snapshots of the Venzone Mummies or black-and-white clown pictures. These twisted images serve a dual purpose, though. They frighten, but they also expose the intricacies of life before digital photography.

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