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    Blown To Bits

    Blown To Bits

    [ranking: 1]
    From a former Redditor:
    I used to work for a small company, we'll just call it Office A. Office A was in a competition with another office (B) that was also in the area. I was good friends with a coworker, who actually got me hired there, we'll call him Joe.
    Joe was staying late one night working on a big project that he was excited about, and it was about 7:30 pm. I had a really long day, and decided to go home after being there with him. Essentially, he was the only one left in the building aside from security and custodians. The next day (Saturday) I got a ring from my boss. I expected him to call me in so that I could help finish the project or something like it. I let the phone ring out, and took a shower. When I got out, my phone was blowing up. I had around 50 new text messages from other coworkers, and missed calls.
    I called my boss, and he informed me that Joe expired in the office, and that the police are investigating. The investigation was a very stressful process, and I was blatantly accused multiple times (I was the last one seen with Joe). Security later confirmed that Joe came down to the lobby for something after I had left the building, so it ruled me out.
    The strange bit? He was completely [destroyed]. He wasn't even in the same room as his project. No signs of anyone else being in the office with him, either. The window in the room he [passed] in was also shattered.
    They held a funeral for him, but there wasn't much left of him. His stepbrother had a meltdown later, and started yelling about these shadow men coming for him like they did Joe. To this day, I have no idea what happened. I had to quit my job soon after the incident. I couldn't stand that building anymore.

    Found Completed Clawed

    Found Completed Clawed

    [ranking: 2]
    From a former Redditor:
    I have a cousin who was found clawed in his house. Long, sharp claws sliced him all...up and he [expired] on the floor, presumably crawling to his phone that was charging across the room.
    They found no signs of a break in, no animal fur, and he lives nowhere near any place with wild animals. Remains a mystery to this day.

    The Woman Beneath The Wardrobe

    The Woman Beneath The Wardrobe

    [ranking: 3]
    From Redditor /u/Dateleke:
    My great-grandmother was found in her room with blood all over the walls/floor. The real creepy part was that she was found under a wardrobe that could barely fit a child, let alone a 97-year-old lady.
    I think they ended up saying there was "no foul play involved" which freaked me out even more.

    A Government Agent Abuses His Power

    A Government Agent Abuses His Power

    [ranking: 4]
    From Redditor /u/damnbish:
    High school kids on a double date driving through a basic army post. They were stopped by an MP who cuffed the boys and drove everyone out to a remote training shack. He [slayed] the boys and [harmed] the girls. He [eliminated] them all and [put them] in shallow graves.
    One girl [pretended] and after he left walked a couple of miles to find help. The guy was convicted, but there was another unsolved case of a high school couple missing with their abandoned car found on the base. First time I realized not to blindly trust a law enforcement officer.

    A Deer In The Head

    A Deer In The Head

    [ranking: 5]
    From a former Redditor:
    A friend's mom was [felled] by a deer. The car in front of them hit the deer; it flew over that car and through my friend's family's car. The antlers impaled the driver/mother.
    My friend was in the car and was only 12 at the time.

    A Victim Of Jack Frost

    A Victim Of Jack Frost

    [ranking: 6]
    From Redditor /u/NotoriousBIC:
    I live in Canada and when we were kids we used to build these giant snowmen. We built this one that was a monster, over 8 feet tall. Anyway, due to a thaw/freeze cycle, the snowman turned to solid ice. My friend was [messing] with it (not sure what exactly he was doing) and the snowman fell on him.
    Crushed him [and he did not survive]. Totally serious. We were in Grade 2.

    Be Careful Crossing This Bridge

    Be Careful Crossing This Bridge

    [ranking: 7]
    From Redditor /u/TenGuns:
    My grandfather had his head [removed]. By a bridge. Walking home [inebriated], he passed out near a bridge that opens and closes for boats. I guess he fell asleep resting on some kind of pivot, and rolled when it started to move.
    From what I am told, by the time he realized what was happening, it was to late.

    The Family Tree Has Some Spooky Branches

    The Family Tree Has Some Spooky Branches

    [ranking: 8]
    From Redditor /u/Linkums:
    My mom's hobby is genealogy and she uncovered the story of a relative who [was felled] by falling out of a barn loft onto a pitchfork, which penetrated [him throughout his body and caused his demise]. 

    Captured On Film

    Captured On Film

    [ranking: 9]
    From Redditor /u/AceOfDrafts:
    A guy who I had been friends with for a long time kinda went off the deep end with [illicit substances] (all of them), got in trouble with the law, got out on bail and then [ended his own life] soon after. I only recently found out what actually happened.
    He was driving home with his best friend and sister in the car and got pulled over. He was extremely [inebriated], driving without a license, and had an unregistered [weapon] and [substances] in the car. So he got out of the car, stepped in front of the police car so he would be recorded by the dash cam, and [ended it all]. 

    Trapped In An Air Duct

    Trapped In An Air Duct

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor /u/lotioned:
    A girl my friend worked with was found [expired] in an air duct in downtown Austin. People think she took [something] and got lost. F*cking creeps me the f*ck out.

    Seeking Knowledge 

    Seeking Knowledge 

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/AmericanHigh:
    A guy I went to high school with was exceptionally smart, to the point he "knew everything" - except for what happens after [your life is over]. So, he....rowed out to the middle of the lake he lived off of, and jumped in.

    Two Of A Car

    Two Of A Car

    [ranking: 12]
    From Redditor /u/Lethophobia:
    I knew a guy whose wife [passed] in a car accident. On his way home from her funeral, he [expired] in a single vehicle car accident. They think he fell asleep at the wheel.

    Down With The Blues

    Down With The Blues

    [ranking: 13]
    From Redditor /u/Ungodlydemon:
    I sh*t you not, my step-mom's friend [passed] from esophageal paralysis after eating too many frozen blueberries too quickly. Peristalsis wouldn't initiate and he [suffered] a lack of air.

    Found On The John

    Found On The John

    [ranking: 14]
    From Redditor /u/kiky23:
    My mom moved into an old house that had been converted into apartments after she and my dad divorced. The house was owned by a coworker and the only other tenant (who lived in the upstairs) also worked with them. During the summer it started to smell really bad and the guy upstairs hadn't shown up to work in a few days so [the] guy who owned the house called the police for a welfare check.
    Turns out he had a heart attack while [using the bathroom] and had been sitting [there] for about four days. It also happened to be the one week in the summer when we'd stay with our mom.

    Success Cut Short

    Success Cut Short

    [ranking: 15]
    From Redditor /u/CormacMcGill:
    My friend's client had just completed a dependency program. So my friend congratulates him, talks to him about his upcoming plans, and [wishes] him a good weekend. When she comes back to work on Monday, everybody tells her the client [passed] when he was surprised by the rain, hid under the bridge, and was [felled] by lightning.

    Slammed The Brakes Too Soon

    Slammed The Brakes Too Soon

    [ranking: 16]
    From Redditor /u/brokendownandbusted:
    An old friend got into an argument with [his] girlfriend in the car and threatened to jump out the car door (not really meaning to). Girlfriend panicked, slammed on the brakes, and tossed him into traffic...

    When Games Get Gruesome

    When Games Get Gruesome

    [ranking: 17]
    From Redditor /u/thecardigan:
    My dad and his friends accidentally [terminated] their friend under the sand when burying him for fun.
    I don't know much about what happened afterward honestly but I assume everyone just accepted it as a tragic accident.

    A Fatal Slip While Walking The Dog

    A Fatal Slip While Walking The Dog

    [ranking: 18]
    From a former Redditor:
    My second cousin was sitting at the edge of a nearby cliff with his dog. As he went to stand up he slipped on the crumbly limestone and fell off. His dog jumped right after him. The dog lived but he didn't.

    A Supposed Act Of Vengeance

    A Supposed Act Of Vengeance

    [ranking: 19]
    From Redditor /u/NDaveT:
    A professor I had in college was [slain]. (This was long after I graduated and after he had gone to work at a different college). The guy who [took him out] claimed that my former professor had assaulted him the night before.
    He went to the professor's house with a large tool to "talk about" it and ended up [terminating him]. 

    Flatlined Over A Flat Tire

    Flatlined Over A Flat Tire

    [ranking: 20]
    From a former Redditor:
    A guy I played football with in high school went on a day trip to scout out a college. As he was driving home that night he got a flat in the middle of the country. He [was hit] as he tried to change his tire. They still don't know who ran him over.

    A Parenting Nightmare

    A Parenting Nightmare

    [ranking: 21]
    From Redditor /u/nash2589:
    The child of our neighbor [passed] because she fell asleep while breastfeeding her baby, and [the baby was felled by the incident]. 

    Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

    Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

    [ranking: 22]
    From Redditor /u/Jackle13:
    I only met him once or twice, but my mum was friends with a farmer who banged his head on a surface inside his tractor, knocked himself out cold, fell out of the tractor, and [expired] in a shallow puddle.


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About Random Creepiest Died Ways Someone People Revealed They Knew

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest died ways someone people revealed they knew. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Died Ways Someone People Revealed They Knew" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest died ways someone people revealed they knew shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Though people's final moments already seems relatively unpleasant as a general rule, passing in a creepy way definitely makes the experience a whole lot worse. When people expire under strange circumstances, you can't help but wonder what went through their minds in their last moments. The unusual ways people finish their lives serve to remind everyone of the thin line between life and the end - and that creepy passings aren't all that uncommon.

Weird deaths happen all the time - with enough frequency, in fact, that there's a Reddit thread dedicated to the strange ways people have expired. These sobering accounts of bizarre deaths are as fascinating as they are extremely terrifying. By the time you finish reading, you'll want to buy yourself a helmet, install guard rails onto your bed, and literally never come within 20 feet of any automobile ever again.

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