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    Seeking Knowledge 

    Seeking Knowledge 

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/AmericanHigh:
    A guy I went to high school with was exceptionally smart, to the point he "knew everything" - except for what happens after [your life is over]. So, he....rowed out to the middle of the lake he lived off of, and jumped in.

    The Woman Beneath The Wardrobe

    The Woman Beneath The Wardrobe

    [ranking: 3]
    From Redditor /u/Dateleke:
    My great-grandmother was found in her room with blood all over the walls/floor. The real creepy part was that she was found under a wardrobe that could barely fit a child, let alone a 97-year-old lady.
    I think they ended up saying there was "no foul play involved" which freaked me out even more.

    Flatlined Over A Flat Tire

    Flatlined Over A Flat Tire

    [ranking: 20]
    From a former Redditor:
    A guy I played football with in high school went on a day trip to scout out a college. As he was driving home that night he got a flat in the middle of the country. He [was hit] as he tried to change his tire. They still don't know who ran him over.

    Felled By The Hiccups

    Felled By The Hiccups

    [ranking: 23]
    From Redditor /u/humanefly:
    I knew a doctor who was afflicted with a permanent case of the hiccups. She was dreadfully miserable. She couldn't complete a single sentence without being interrupted by multiple hiccups. I've never spoken with a person who sounded more miserable and patient than her. The constant hiccups were causing her to go blind somehow.
    One day she went for an operation to get a brain pacemaker installed in an effort to control the hiccups. It didn't work out and I never heard from her again.

    Success Cut Short

    Success Cut Short

    [ranking: 15]
    From Redditor /u/CormacMcGill:
    My friend's client had just completed a dependency program. So my friend congratulates him, talks to him about his upcoming plans, and [wishes] him a good weekend. When she comes back to work on Monday, everybody tells her the client [passed] when he was surprised by the rain, hid under the bridge, and was [felled] by lightning.

    Be Careful Crossing This Bridge

    Be Careful Crossing This Bridge

    [ranking: 7]
    From Redditor /u/TenGuns:
    My grandfather had his head [removed]. By a bridge. Walking home [inebriated], he passed out near a bridge that opens and closes for boats. I guess he fell asleep resting on some kind of pivot, and rolled when it started to move.
    From what I am told, by the time he realized what was happening, it was to late.


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About Random Creepiest Died Ways Someone People Revealed They Knew

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest died ways someone people revealed they knew. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Died Ways Someone People Revealed They Knew" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest died ways someone people revealed they knew shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Though people's final moments already seems relatively unpleasant as a general rule, passing in a creepy way definitely makes the experience a whole lot worse. When people expire under strange circumstances, you can't help but wonder what went through their minds in their last moments. The unusual ways people finish their lives serve to remind everyone of the thin line between life and the end - and that creepy passings aren't all that uncommon.

Weird deaths happen all the time - with enough frequency, in fact, that there's a Reddit thread dedicated to the strange ways people have expired. These sobering accounts of bizarre deaths are as fascinating as they are extremely terrifying. By the time you finish reading, you'll want to buy yourself a helmet, install guard rails onto your bed, and literally never come within 20 feet of any automobile ever again.

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