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    Denise Richards as a Nuclear Physicist

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About Random Biggest Facepalms in Movie Casting History

It's an exciting tool for displaying random biggest facepalms in movie casting history. We collected a list of "Random Biggest Facepalms in Movie Casting History" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random biggest facepalms in movie casting history shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

In light of (in honor of?) the announcement of Jesse Eisenberg as Superman's most fearsome foe Lex Luthor, we have decided to take a journey back through some casting choices that initially left us with a bitter taste in our mouths.

There's an art to casting, practiced by a very under-appreciated team of casting directors, casting associates and casting assistants. (In fact, the casting director is the only person in the opening credits of a film that doesn't get Academy Awards recognition.) Most of these Hollywood professionals are incredibly good at their jobs, snagging the perfect actor for roles that never would have been as legendary without just the right person. So when the casting team gets it wrong, things can immediately go awry.

Casting just one role wrong from an extra that can't not stare at the camera, a day-player who can't say those few lines of exposition without sounding like a robot, or most importantly that lead who can't possibly be the character they've been cast as no matter how amazing (or awful) of an actor he or she may be, can totally ruin a film.

Which movies have the worst casts in film history? Which roles were played by the wrong person? Are there entire films starring the worst movie casts ever? You decide. Below are the bigglest facepalms in movie casting! Vote for the casting choices that made you shake your head in dismay, and vote down the decisions that aren't actually that bad.

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