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    The Notebook

    The Notebook

    [ranking: 122]
    Metacritic score: 53 The Notebook is a 2004 American romantic drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks.

    Metacritic score: 87 Hereditary is a 2018 American horror film directed by Ari Aster.


    [ranking: 110]
    Metacritic score: 87 Hereditary is a 2018 American horror film directed by Ari Aster.

    Metacritic score: 65 Seven is a 1995 American psychological thriller film directed by David Fincher. The film stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Gwyneth Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, John C.


    [ranking: 17]
    Metacritic score: 65 Seven is a 1995 American psychological thriller film directed by David Fincher. The film stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Gwyneth Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, John C.

    Breaking the Waves

    Breaking the Waves

    [ranking: 159]
    Metacritic score: 76 Breaking the Waves is a 1996 drama, romance film directed by Lars von Trier.



    [ranking: 148]
    Savior is a 1998 war film starring Dennis Quaid, Stellan Skarsgård, Nastassja Kinski, and Nataša Ninković.



    [ranking: 65]
    Metacritic score: 57 Mama is a 2013 horror film written by Neil Cross, Andres Muschietti and Barbara Muschietti and directed by Andres Muschietti.


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About Random Best Movies You Never Want to Watch Again

It's an exciting tool for displaying random best movies you never want to watch again. We collected a list of "Random Best Movies You Never Want to Watch Again" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random best movies you never want to watch again shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

A list of the most disturbing movies that, for whatever reason, you never, ever want to watch again. This list is full of great movies that you would never re-watch. These disturbing films hit their mark: they affected you, you connected with the characters or the themes... They are great films, but you got it the first time and would be just fine to never be reminded of what you just watched. These are some of the creepiest movies, scariest, and saddest films that were ever made.

Each of these films contains at least one heartbreaking or gory scene or truly creepy character that will always be with you, even if you never voluntarily watch any of these disturbing movies again. Whether the movie vividly depicts addiction, like Leaving Las Vegas; drug use, like Requiem for a Dream; rape, like Irreversible; violence, like Nil By Mouth and Salo - or it just makes you feel dirty watching it, like Kids... These are all highly acclaimed, disturbing movies that you will try to forget about as soon as you have watched them. Some of the films on this list are depictions of true-life, heartbreaking events, like United 93, or ill-fated love stories, like Brokeback Mountain. These really good, sad movies are on this list because they can still make you cry just thinking about them. 

Vote on this list of the most disturbing movies of all time, and add any movie you only want to watch once if it is not on the list. 

See also: Top Tearjerker Movies That Make Men Cry, The Scariest Movies Ever Made, and The Most Nausea-Inducing Great Films for more masochistic fun. You weirdo. 

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