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    Russian Blue

    Russian Blue

    [ranking: 3]

    European Shorthair

    European Shorthair

    [ranking: 18]



    [ranking: 2]
    The word "Lykoi" actually comes from a Greek word meaning "wolf," which is fitting, because little Lykoi kitties look just like baby werewolves. They lack hair on their underbellies, as well as around their eyes, noses, and muzzles. Some people are terrified of these creature, because they look more like dogs than cats, but many cat-lovers have overlooked that in favor of their spooky appearance. 

    Japanese Bobtail

    Japanese Bobtail

    [ranking: 16]

    Exotic Shorthair

    Exotic Shorthair

    [ranking: 17]

    Scottish Fold

    Scottish Fold

    [ranking: 9]


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About Random Best, Most Unusual Exotic Cat Breeds

It's an exciting tool for displaying random best, most unusual exotic cat breeds. We collected a list of "Random Best, Most Unusual Exotic Cat Breeds" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random best, most unusual exotic cat breeds shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

List of the best exotic cat breeds. Out of all the exciting exotic breeds of cats and kittens that exist in the universe, those on this list have been ranked as the best of the best. These cat breeds are from all over the world, and you can tell by their looks and character that they are not exactly the cats next door. 

If you are looking for a cat that is not just the usual classic kitty from television or film, then these breeds of cats should help you narrow down the unique cat that's perfect for you. Many of these exotic cats are either wild species or hybrid species, resulting in unusual fur and beautifully intense eyes. The whole globe seems to be represented here thanks to cat names that begin with "Russian," "Arabian," "Japanese," "Thai," "Turkish," "Ukrainian," and "Norwegian." Find your beautifully exotic kitty cat on this list of the best exotic, strange cats out there.

Vote up the exotic feline you think is most unusually beautiful or vote down the cats you think are just plain weird.

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