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  • (#12) One Man Tried To Return A Shovel Purchased 30 Years Ago

    From Redditor/ u/13thestrals:

    The most incredulous moment was a gentleman who stepped up to return a shovel. He admitted that it was purchased "over 30 years ago" and claimed it had a lifetime warranty. No receipt, of course. When we refused the return, he started yelling about how Sam Walton would be rolling in his grave over how the store was ran.

  • (#8) A Man Tried To Return An Item He Ate

    From Redditor/ u/Pancakesthebunny:

    Walmart has a hot food bar, and one particularly busy night we get a man who comes to customer service with a large bag from the hot bar. He demands a full refund. I ask him what the problem is and he starts yelling that our chicken is the worst thing he's ever tasted and he can't believe we would sell something so dry and inedible. He claimed we are a rip off and we should have our food license revoked. I calmly apologize for his experience and say I would gladly issue the refund. He hands me the large bag and it's completely empty.

    Me: "Sir, where is the chicken?"

    Him: "Well, I ate it all."

    Me: "I thought it was inedible?"

    Him: Dead silence.

    Face palm. So he's telling me he wants a refund on the inedible chicken that he ate? I denied his refund and sent him on his way.

  • (#15) A Woman Drove Her Car Into A Burger King Running From Employees

    From Redditor/ u/JustCallMeFox:

    We had a customer, we called her Huffy because she would come in and huff the aerosol dust remover that people use to clean their keyboards, get high, and then pass out in the bathroom for a few hours. I should also tell you that at the end of our parking lot was a small grassy median, and on the other side of the median is a Burger King. Remember this note.

    Well management and loss prevention got tired of ol’ Huffy coming in and stealing dust remover and taking up valuable bathroom space. So the next time she came in a manager and a loss prevention associate were on her like flies on sh*t. Somehow, that wily ol’ Huffy was able to partake in a few cans of dust remover before the two associates moved in. Once Huffy saw two employees walking towards her she took off, with Walmart’s best giving chase. 

    I didn’t have anybody at the desk so I moved out on the floor just in time to see Huffy and the two associates streak through the doors like bats out of hell. I saw Huffy get in her car and make a break out of the parking lot, clipping two cars as she made her escape, leaving the winded Walmart workers watching her drive off into the sunset.

    Now believe it or not, but someone who has just huffed two cans of dust remover isn’t the best driver. She jumped the median and slammed her car through the back wall of the Burger King, coming to the stop in the vicinity of the kitchen. Hands down one of the better attempts to escape the long arm of the Walmart law I’ve seen.

  • (#22) One Woman Wanted To Buy Dead Plants Because She Thought She Could Bring Them Back To Life

    From Redditor / u/altonbill:

    I worked in the garden center at a Walmart in a semi rural area. Had a woman come in asking to buy all of our dead plants for a quarter. Because she could bring them back from the dead. I called a manager because I didn't know if we could do that. While we were waiting she proceeded to tell me that she had been struck by lightning letting her see God, which is where she learned how to bring things back to life.

  • (#24) An Employee Finally Remembered She Saw One Of Her Customers On 'Cops'

    From Redditor / u/Totikoritsi:

    My grandma works in the money center at her Walmart. She told me she has a customer that looked really familiar, but she couldn't figure out where she knew the woman from. Nothing out of the ordinary about the lady, but recognized her face.

    A few weeks later she called me, excited because she figured out why the lady looked so familiar.

    She had seen her on an episode of Cops, being arrested for soliciting sex.

  • (#16) A Woman Claiming To Be Pregnant Attacked An Employee

    From Redditor/ u/hedigitalfacade:

    I saw a man run from our loss prevention officer and get caught and a woman came out of nowhere and attacked the loss prevention officer while screaming "I'm pregnant!". The cops came. She actually was not pregnant but the wife of the man caught stealing. They were both arrested.

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About This Tool

Wal-Mart's humanized management allows managers and employees to establish a good relationship, and work together to do their best for the company's development, which is also the key to its success. But becoming a good Wal-Mart employee is not as easy as people think, even if it will be a job with a good salary and stable income. Except for their own work, Wal-Mart employees also need to deal with unexpected things or communicate with rude customers.

Some people who work at Walmart shared their horror stories on social media, most aren’t positive at all. You can read 25 stories in this random tool.

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