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  • (#11) Alcohol Is Overrated

    From Redditor /u/foxjump121

    Alcohol is overrated and drinking in general is not that fun.

    I personaly think drinking kinda sucks it taste like watered down aloe to me I personally dont like the feeling you get after drinking a lot it's pretty sh*t aswell. I never saw the appeal in drinking but almost every other person goes on about how they're gonna be be drinking all night, sometimes talking about how drunk they'll get and talking about how great it is, am I missing something ?

    And before someone says its about socializing, the people and having fun with your friends I doubt that since I have what could be described as a drunk as a older brother. Hes probably part of the reason I dont see the appeal in it but ive never enjoyed having him and his friends around when they started drinking but absolutely loved them when they where sober and could hold a proper conversation.

    Im trying not to come off as someone saying im holier than thou, this is just something I couldn't understand why its as popular as it is.

  • (#24) Need A Surprising Piece Of Hair

    From Redditor /u/chamqion

    I like the sensation of finding a hair in my food while I'm chewing.

    I love the sensation of of pulling the long hair out slowly, as it moves through my food, caressing my tongue and the sides of my mouth, then it slides through my pursed lips for what feels like an hour.

    What really makes my day is when I'm in the middle of swallowing, and I can feel the hair stretch from my tongue to my esophagus, and I take my time pulling it out, savoring every inch.

    But this whole experience is blown if I know before hand there's a hair. It needs to surprise me as I'm chewing.

  • (#4) Broccoli Is Great

    From Redditor /u/Kymanifesto

    Broccoli tastes great y’all just can’t cook

    Every children’s cartoon has brainwashed you all into thinking your veggies is a punishment and a “gross” food you only eat to be healthy. F*ck that and f*ck you.

    Broccoli especially, what’s wrong with you? Broccoli tastes good even when raw, but frying it with some spices and butter??? It’s a great highlight of any meal.

    People really out here thinking vegetables taste gross when in reality their uneducated *sses only steam and boil them without even thinking about the repercussions.

    Would you say all meat tastes bad because you only eat boiled unflavored steak? No? Then shut up. Veggies are an amazing and incredible diverse food group and I will plummet anyone who disagrees into the ground.

    I am slightly drunk right now and I fear no man. If you think that a nice veggie stir fry isn’t mouthwatering I will eliminate you and plant cauliflower on top of your grave.

    I’m tired of the bad reputation my beautiful greens get.

  • (#21) Pears And Mayonnaise

    From Redditor /u/TautYetMalleable

    The best way to eat a pear is covered in mayonnaise.

    Mayonnaise significantly enhances the taste of pears. My favorite type of pear to eat with mayo is slices pear from a can, with a fresh pear bring the second choice. There is no better way to eat pears and I will die on this hill.

  • (#12) Boneless Wings Are Better Than Bone In

    From Redditor /u/cheeziswin

    Boneless wings are better than bone in.

    More meat. Tasty breading. Less likely to be dry and stringy. No worries about cracking a tooth on a bone, or chewing cartilage on accident. It's also more socially acceptable to eat with a fork than regular bone in - you'll look like a lunatic if you put a wing on the end of your fork like that. Which means no sticky, smelly fingers. You'll be free to touch other parts of the table without having to take a wet napkin to your hand every time!

    Overall, though God may not have intended them, boneless wings have no flaws and I shall die on this hill.

  • (#14) No Tomatoes In My Burger

    From Redditor /u/hmitch94

    Tomato is terrible in a burger.

    It makes the bread soggy, it’s often cut too thick and it drips everywhere. It only belongs in a burger in the form of sauce. It is a terrible choice for a burger filling. Thanks for reading.

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You might think that most people have the same choice of delicious food, for example, crispy cookies are the best taste. Believe it or not, some people’s favorite cookies should be soft. Everyone's preference for delicious foods is a controversial topic, and everyone has different opinions on foods. Do you have any unpopular opinions about foods ever?

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