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  • Your Hippocampus Shuts Down on Random Things Actually Happen When You Black Out

    (#18) Your Hippocampus Shuts Down

    The hippocampus is the emotional center of your brain, and when you fill it with booze, it completely shuts down. This can have varied effects ranging from memory loss to a loss of motor functions
  • Drain Bamage on Random Things Actually Happen When You Black Out

    (#7) Drain Bamage

    It's a well-known fact that drinking to excess can cause brain damage, but it's worth repeating that if you're getting wasted on the regular you can experience everything from slips in memory to permanent and debilitating conditions that require lifetime custodial care. 
  • You Lose Your Mind on Random Things Actually Happen When You Black Out

    (#16) You Lose Your Mind

    Literally! To put it as non-scientifically as possible, you keep doing stuff even though the receptors in your brain that help you make decisions have shut down. That's probably why you made the decision to take a $200 Uber ride home. 
  • You Get Violent on Random Things Actually Happen When You Black Out

    (#8) You Get Violent

    No surprises here: if you're someone who's suppressing your volcanic anger on a day-to-day basis, then you're probably going to be a violent drunk when you black out. A study in Norway found that individuals who held in their anger were 10% more likely to get drunk and 5% more likely to get violent. 
  • If You Didn't Already Have an Ulcer, You Do Now on Random Things Actually Happen When You Black Out

    (#14) If You Didn't Already Have an Ulcer, You Do Now

    If you're experiencing multiple alcohol-related black outs, then there's a good chance that your stomach is releasing excessive amounts of stomach acid which causes inflammation, leading to an ulcer. The ulcer can do anything from fill your stomach with blood to burn a hole in your stomach lining. 
  • You Might Start Sleepwalking on Random Things Actually Happen When You Black Out

    (#5) You Might Start Sleepwalking

    When you're black-out drunk you may feel you are sleepwalking already, but even after you get in bed, you won't sleep normally. Some drinkers experience a sensation similar to sleepwalking after they've ingested too much alcohol. 

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About This Tool

Blackout does not mean that a person will lose consciousness, on the contrary, people can continue to interact with others and do things as routine or have potentially dangerous behaviors, such as driving, having sex, spending too much money, and even continuing to drink alcohol. People who black out are more likely to be injured. Even if they know how to go home or have other normal behaviors, they cannot remember these actions because their brains will not transfer these experiences to memory.

Blackouts often involve memory loss caused by drinking alcohol or drug abuse. The random tool lists 18 things that will happen when you black out, excessive drinking is slowly killing you.

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