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  • Jane Begins Using Again, And Introduces Heroin To Jesse on Random Things About Jane From ‘Breaking Bad’

    (#7) Jane Begins Using Again, And Introduces Heroin To Jesse

    Toward the end of "Mandala," the whole game changes for Jane and Jesse. Jane has once again found her taste for H, completely leaving her sobriety behind.

    Jesse is still despondent over Combo's passing. Jane presents a pair of hypodermic needles. She adeptly concocts a speedball, mixing crystal and heroin. Jesse injects it - his first time with H - and the high is instant and intense. He euphorically floats up, up, and away, the narcotic consuming his body.

    At this point, there's no turning back.

  • She Gets The Last Word Of Positivity In A Flashback From 'El Camino' on Random Things About Jane From ‘Breaking Bad’

    (#13) She Gets The Last Word Of Positivity In A Flashback From 'El Camino'

    The long-anticipated Breaking Bad movie El Camino was released on Netflix in 2019. At the end of the film, Jane shows up in a flashback scene that harkens back to the Season 3 episode, "Aliquiu," when Jane and Jesse visited a Georgia O'Keefe museum. It was a good time for the young couple, before their dual backslide into narcotics took over and wrecked their lives.

    The scene is extended in El Camino. Aaron Paul talked about why it was so important for Jane to somehow make an appearance in the movie:

    She was his one true love that gave him probably the best advice that he's ever gotten, and he's holding onto that. When I read that I was just so shocked and pleasantly surprised, and really moved by it.

    In the El Camino extended scene, Jane talks from beyond the grave about the universe: 

    Jesse: "I was thinking about that thing you said about the universe. Going where the universe takes you? Right on. I think it's a cool philosophy."

    Jane: "I was being metaphorical. It's a terrible philosophy. I've gone where the universe takes me my whole life. It's better to make those decisions for yourself."

    El Camino ends with Jesse surviving and somehow escaping to Alaska. He now has a clean slate, away from the harsh world of Walter White's empire. Jesse and Jane once dreamed of getting clean and running away together. Jane's tragic passing prevented them from achieving that dream, but when all is said and done, Jesse finally has a chance at happiness.

  • Because She Loves Jesse, Jane Helps Him Blackmail Walt For His Share Of The Profits  on Random Things About Jane From ‘Breaking Bad’

    (#9) Because She Loves Jesse, Jane Helps Him Blackmail Walt For His Share Of The Profits

    Once they've officially gotten high together, Jesse and Jane are all in. Jesse is so strung out one night that he doesn't hear Walt banging at his front door. Walt needs the stashed crystal in Jesse's apartment for a deal with kingpin Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito). Walt breaks in to try and find it. When Jesse finally wakes up, he thinks an intruder has taken the stuff. Due to Jesse's inability to wake up, Walt winds up missing the birth of his daughter.

    In the season's 12th episode, "Phoenix," Walt alone is able to deliver his million dollars' worth of product to Gus. The proud dad then goes to meet his new baby girl, Holly. 

    Of course, Jesse still wants his cut of the money, which comes in at a hefty $480,000. Walt refuses to give it to him - namely because Jesse nearly sabotaged the deal in the first place. And Walt is rightly concerned that his partner in crime, with access to that much cash, will wind up on the road to permanent destruction.

    The following day, Jane's dad sees the paraphernalia littering Jesse's apartment. Donald has been aggressively trying to keep his daughter clean for over a decade. He threatens to call the cops. But Jane promises him, pleads with him, that she will enter treatment the following day. It's a big lie. Jane calls Walt to get Jesse's half of the money. When Walt refuses, Jane resorts to new methods. She tells him she knows everything about his life, from his job as a high school chemistry teacher, to his family, to the details of his business: "This is blackmail, Do right by Jesse. Tonight. Or I will burn you to the ground."

    At this point, Jane is ostensibly in charge of Jesse. He didn't want to strong-arm Walt. Even still, Walt hands off Jesse's money to Jane that same day. She even goes so far as to further threaten Walt, warning him that he can never be completely sure she won't one day tell the authorities. 

    Jane's scheme shows the sinister, manipulative side of her character. However, it's also obvious that this is simply the version of her when she's off the wagon. Walt sees Jane as a permanent liability who knows too much.

  • Because Jesse Doesn't Get The Help He Needs, He Reintroduces Narcotics Into Jane's Life on Random Things About Jane From ‘Breaking Bad’

    (#6) Because Jesse Doesn't Get The Help He Needs, He Reintroduces Narcotics Into Jane's Life

    In Season 2, Episode 11, "Mandala," the inevitable finally happens. Jesse is grieving his friend Combo's (Rodney Rush) demise. He feels responsible because Combo was out selling Jesse and Walt's product in new territory when he was taken out by rival dealers. As usual, Jesse carries all the guilt, even though the blame for the new location falls on Walt. 

    Jesse is despondent and won't let Jane help him. His escape, not surprisingly, is crystal. He asks Jane to leave - the last thing he wants is to be responsible for her relapse. But Jane makes the decision to stay and smoke with Jesse. It's her way of trying to make her boyfriend feel better. This is the moment their relationship takes a fatal turn.

  • Jane Shoots Between Her Toes To Hide Her Relapse on Random Things About Jane From ‘Breaking Bad’

    (#8) Jane Shoots Between Her Toes To Hide Her Relapse

    Reddit user u/KittyMuffins noted in the sub-reddit r/TVDetails that Jane shoots into her foot (possibly around her ankle). This is to hide the needle marks from prying eyes, particularly her father's. Jane's secrecy in this moment reveals both her past behaviors and an attempt to conceal this relapse from her father; she knows it is wrong, but she cannot help herself.

  • When Jesse Walks Into Her Life, She Falls In Love Fast on Random Things About Jane From ‘Breaking Bad’

    (#4) When Jesse Walks Into Her Life, She Falls In Love Fast

    Jane may have built walls around her heart, but that doesn't mean she's not capable of love. It becomes clear to her that Jesse is involved in some kind of illicit activity. However, she tells him she doesn't care, just as long as he keeps his "business" off-premises.

    In the seventh episode of Season 2, "Negro y Azul," Jesse is going through a lot of turmoil in his business with Walter White. After witnessing an ATM fatally crush a man to cap off an already horrific day in a suburban drug den - the worst part of which is the neglected, malnourished toddler Jesse feels compelled to protect - Jesse becomes so distraught that he's unable to leave his apartment.

    Jesse and Jane are outside smoking when Jesse invites her inside to see his new television. These two broken people plop down on lawn chairs in the middle of an otherwise barren living room; there's no satellite signal on the TV yet, but they sit and watch anyway. Jesse is uncomfortable until Jane tenderly reaches out and takes his hand. The pair fall into an intimate relationship, and it isn't long before they fall in love. Jane falls hard.

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Breaking Bad is a crime TV series originally produced by the basic American cable channel AMC. The series tells the legendary crime story of an ordinary chemistry teacher who used his chemical knowledge to make drugs after knowing that he was terminally ill,  and became the world's top drug king. The show has 5 seasons, which started broadcasting in 2008 and ended in September 2013.

Many actors have contributed great performances for its success, and the most heartbreaking role is Jane for me. Jane is a supporting role, and there are not many scenes. Her death made many fans shed tears. The random tool lists 13 details about Jane who is the most tragic character from Breaking Bad.

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