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Random Songs Composed By Jerome Kernreport

  • "I Got Love" - lyrics by Dorothy Fields - from the 1935 film of the same name (I)

  • "Every Girl in All America" - lyrics by Berton Braley - 1918 (E)

  • "Why Was I Born?" - lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II - from the 1929 musical Sweet Adeline (W)

  • "You're Here and I'm Here" - from the musical The Laughing Husband (1914) (Y)

  • "Dearly Beloved" - lyrics by Johnny Mercer - from the 1942 film You Were Never Lovelier - nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song (D)

  • "I Dream Too Much" - lyrics by Dorothy Fields - from the 1935 film of the same name (I)

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About This Tool

Jerome Kern is one of the greatest composers in the history of American musicals. He is known as the “Father of modern American musicals” and the forerunner of American theater music. As soon as he arranges the music innumerable, displays the person’s musical talent from childhood, the teenager can skillfully play the complex piano piece. With only 85 of his more famous pieces randomly recorded in this tool, he achieved much more than that.

Cohen witnessed the development of early American musicals and was an important figure in the development of American musicals. Cohen’s creation can be said to be the history of the early development of American musicals. His creation directly influenced the development of American musicals and played an irreplaceable role in the rise and development of musicals. Through the generator, we can see the detailed list of each piece of music he wrote, when it was released, the major musicals he used, and so on.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of songs composed by Jerome Kern.

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