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Random Songs By Franz Schubertreport

  • D 73, Song "Thekla (eine Geisterstimme)" ['Wo ich sei, und wo mich hingewendet'] for voice and piano (1813, 1st setting)

    (Lieder with piano accompaniment) (Lieder)

  • D 451, Cantata "Prometheus" ['Hervor aus Buschen und Baumen'] for soprano, bass, choir and orchestra (1816, lost)

    (Part songs with orchestral accompaniment) (Part songs)

  • D 269, Trio "Das Leben" ['Das Leben ist ein Traum'] for two sopranos, alto and piano (1815, 2nd version)

    (Part songs for only male or only female voices) (Part songs)

  • D 889, Song "Ständchen" ['Horch, horch! die Lerch im Ätherblau'] for voice and piano (1826)

    (Lieder with piano accompaniment) (Lieder)

  • D 263, Song "Cora an die Sonne" ['Nach so vielen trüben Tagen'] for voice and piano (1815)

    (Lieder with piano accompaniment) (Lieder)

  • D Anh. III,1, Nine Canons "Neun Kanons" ['Es packe dich das Glück beim Kragen; Vom Glück sei alles dir beschert; Glück fehl dir vor allem; Wohlsein und Freude; Drum habe Dank, o Vater Hayden; Adam hat siebn Söhn; Cato, Plato, Cicero; Was i beim Tag mit der Leiern gwinn; Alleluia'] for four or more voices (ca. 1810 copy; compositions by Michael Haydn, Joseph Haydn, Josef Otter, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and anonymous composers) (Vocal works in the catalogue by other composers)

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About This Tool

Born in the Viennese suburb of Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert is a well-known Austrian composer. Known as the “King of songs”, Shubert was both the inheritor of the Vienna classical music tradition and the founder of romantic music. In his short life, he left a rich musical legacy, including more than 600 songs, 18 operas, operas, and musical accompaniment, nine symphonies, string quartet, 22 piano sonatas, and other works.

The tool randomly selects 842 of the songs for introduction, and a detailed list of the songs can be found in the listing. If you also want to know the full name of each piece of music, the specific date of creation, the use of instruments, etc., can also be obtained through the generator. Franz Schubert’s life was a tumultuous one, but it was also the inspiration for many of his works.

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